Our work (Yongxin Wu is the first author) is accepted by Journal of Statistical Mechanics! Congratulations!
- 发布时间:2024-05-10
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经过两年的撰写初稿、修改、投稿、修改、重投、再修改等诸多环节,在2024春节这一天终于修成正果了![Wu and Xia, J. Stat. Mech., accepted], 一作吴永欣同学是我所指导的应用物理专业的本科生,从大二开始跟着我做科学训练/大创项目,由于该生认真+投入+坚持,能很好地执行给他的任务和建议,所以给他的课题进展比较顺利,学习成绩也逐步提高(大三时上升到专业第一)!毕业时被评为校级优秀毕业论文+优秀毕业生称号!2023年毕业后南京大学直博,除了自己繁重的研究生课程和研究课题之外,吴同学还坚持继续完成了本科毕业时留下的这个课题,难能可贵!!!再次恭喜吴同学!!!
- 上一条:Our work (Xiao Liu is the first author, 2020 undergraduate graduate majoring in photonic and electronic information engineering) is accepted by J. Stat. Phys.! Congratulations!
- 下一条:Our work (The first author Xu Tian is an undergraduate I supervised) is accepted by Phys. Lett. A! Congratulations!