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- Wang Liang , liuminxuan,wanghao,Qingquan Liu,peixiaodong,yiminghao,zhengsiwen,zhuzibin,A coal body deformation testing device, testing system, and testing method
- zhouhongxing , zhangrong,chengyuanping,Qingquan Liu,daihao,A method of extracting gas by hydraulic fracturing with cross-measure boreholes
- wanghaifeng , sunjianzhong,chengyuanping,wangwei,zhouhongxing,Qingquan Liu,A regional approach to increase the permeability of coal seams with high gas content and low inherent permeability
- Even , chengyuanping,zhouhongxing,zhaiqingwei,kongshengli,Qingquan Liu,Method of gas drainage in cross-measure borehole-influenced area of a roadway
- chengyuanping , Even,Wang Liang,wangliguo,chenhaidong,Qingquan Liu,Gas drainage method with wells for underground mining
- Kenneth Zhang , haocongmeng,chengyuanping,Even,zhangrong,Qingquan Liu,A device and method for measuring the hole diameter of hydraulic punching hole in the underground coal seam
- Qingquan Liu , liujingjing,lvbiao,anhaoxue,chengyuanping,chupeng,luyanfei,Coal seam gas parameter detection method and device based on dead space pressure conversion
- Qingquan Liu , huangwenyi,Wang Liang,chengyuanping,wangjing,linghao,wanghao,Determination method of methane adsorption time of coal based on diffusion-seepage decoupling experiments
- Qingquan Liu , wangzhenyang,wangfei,yiminghao,chengyuanping,haocongmeng,hubiao,jiangzhaonan,Chenghao Wang,wangdeyang,leiyang,hexinxin,rentianwei,liwei,wanghailiang,wushoujie,nielei,A invention relates to a method and device for rapidly determining coal seam gas parameters in an underground coal mine
- Qingquan Liu , chengyuanping,Wang Liang,haocongmeng,jiangzhaonan,Chenghao Wang,A invention relates to an automatic coal seam permeability testing device and method