Qingquan Liu

Personal Information

Personal Information

  • School/Department:

  • Contact Information:

  • Degree:

  • Professional Title:

  • Alma Mater:

  • Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
  • Supervisor of Master's Candidates
  • Teacher College:

    School of Safety Engineering

Other Contact Information





Qingquan Liu is a professor of energy and mining at the China University of Mining and Technology. He is currently working at TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany, with financial support from the Humboldt Foundation. He specializes in geomechanics and fluid dynamics and their applications in unconventional resources development, underground mining, carbon sequestration, and natural hazard prevention. His research focuses on the coupled multi-field processes in porous media, such as reservoir rocks like shale and coal, with particular emphasis on diffusion behavior in pores of different scales.

Educational Experience

  • 2006.9 to 2010.6

    China University of Mining and Technology | Computational Mathematics | Bachelor's Degree | University graduated

  • 2010.9 to 2015.6

    China University of Mining and Technology | Safety Technology and Engineering | Doctoral Degree in Engineering | Postgraduate (Doctoral)

Work Experience

  • 2024.9 to Now

    TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany | Institute of Geotechnics | Humboldtian experienced researcher | Committed to developing a novel rock permeability testing method for CO2 geological sequestration and hydrogen storage

  • 2024.6 to 2024.8

    Università di Genova | Machine Learning Genoa Centre (MaLGa) | Visiting Researcher

  • 2023.1 to Now

    China University of Mining and Technology | School of Safety Engineering | Professor | Outstanding Researcher at China University of Mining and Technology

  • 2019.1 to 2022.12

    China University of Mining and Technology | School of Safety Engineering | Associate professor | Outstanding Young Researcher at China University of Mining and Technology

  • 2017.7 to 2018.12

    China University of Mining and Technology | School of Safety Engineering | Lecture

  • 2015.9 to 2016.9

    University of Wollongong | School of Civil, Mining and Environmental Engineering | Visiting Researcher

  • 2015.7 to 2017.7

    China University of Mining and Technology | State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering | Postdoctoral researcher

Social Affiliations

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Research Group

[1] Name of Research Group:Coalsmart Studio

Description of Research Group:

The team was established in 2017 by Professor Liu Qingquan and is a collective of like-minded individuals striving for excellence. The research group is based on the discipline of Safety Science and Engineering, integrating interdisciplinary fields such as Mining, Mathematics, and Computer Vision. Its primary focus is on fundamental and applied research in areas such as greenhouse gas capture and storage, intelligent testing (software and hardware development), and decision support for coal mine gas prevention and control.