- 丁世飞,张子晨,郭丽丽,孙玉婷.An optimized twin support vector regression algorithm enhanced by ensemble empirical mode decomposition and gated recurrent unit,2022,卷: 598页: 101-125
- 张成龙,丁世飞,杜威.Broad stochastic configuration network for regression,2022,v 243,
- 孙玉婷,丁世飞,张子晨,张成龙.Hypergraph based semi-supervised support vector machine for binary and multi-category classifications,2022,卷: 13期: 5页: 1369-1386
- 张成龙,丁世飞,郭丽丽,张健.Broad learning system based ensemble deep model,2022
- 丁世飞,张子晨,孙玉婷,史颂辉.Multiple birth support vector machine based on dynamic quantum particle swarm optimization algorithm,2022,卷: 480页: 146-156
- 侯海薇,丁世飞,徐晓.A deep clustering by multi-level feature fusion,2022
- 孙玉婷,丁世飞,郭丽丽,张子晨.Hypergraph regularized semi-supervised support vector machine,2022,卷: 591页: 400-421
- 李超,丁世飞,徐晓,杜淑颖,施天豪.Fast density peaks clustering algorithm in polar coordinate system,2022
- 王艳茹,丁世飞,王丽娟,杜淑颖.A manifold p-spectral clustering with sparrow search algorithm,2022,卷: 26期: 4页: 1765-1777
- 张成龙,丁世飞,丁玲.An AdaBoost Based - Deep Stochastic Configuration Network,2022,v 643 IFIP,p3-14