Scientific Research
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Paper Publications
More- Liu, Zu-Xi,wuyun,lixiaozhao,Huang, Zhen,Lin, Jian,Pan, Xiao-Hua.Effects of thermal treatment on the macroscopic physical properties and microstructure of Beishan fine-grained granite,2022,卷: 81期: 5
- Deng, Long-Chuan,wuyun,Huang, Jia-Wei.Thermal damage and acoustic emission characteristics of granite based on Brazilian splitting test,2022,v 55,n 4,
- Deng, Longchuan,wuyun,jiyukun,Huang, Zhen,Zou, Chunjiang.Physical and mechanical properties of granite after high-temperature and acidic treatment for the enhanced geothermal system,2022,卷: 81期: 10
- 王磊,wuyun,Huang, Zhen,Lin, Jian,Wang, Yangzhou,ZWQ.Effects of temperature and confining pressure on the permeability of Beishan granite from high-level radioactive waste disposal repository,2024,v 55,
- 曹雅恒,wuyun,林键.冷却方式对花岗岩孔隙结构及声发射特征影响规律研究,2024,:,14
MorePublished Books
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Research Projects
More- 2023-00066,THM耦合作用下高放废物处置库卸荷围岩渗透演化机制研究,2023-04-26
- 2022-12351,高放废物处置库深部围岩热流固耦合作用下渗流演化机制研究,安徽建筑大学,2022-06-21
- 2024-14083,热水力耦合作用下弱胶结充填断层破碎带渗流灾变规律与致灾机理,成都理工大学地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室,2024-03-27
- 2024-14818,热-水耦合下膨润土水化对处置库裂隙围岩渗透性影响规律研究,同济大学岩土及地下工程教育部重点实验室,2024-11-01
- 2023-13632,膨润土水化入侵作用下处置库围岩裂隙渗透性演化机制研究,国家自然科学基金委,2023-08-24