Paper Publications
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- Deformation and failure characteristics of overburden under thin bedrock and thick alluvium: a case study in Baodian Coal Mine[J].Geotechnical and Geological Engineering
- Unsteady seepage solutions for hydraulic fracturing around vertical wellbores in hydrocarbon reservoirs[J].International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
- Effects of temperature and confining pressure on the permeability of Beishan granite: an experimental study[J].Case Studies in Thermal Engineering
- Effects of thermal treatment on the macroscopic physical properties and microstructure of Beishan fine-grained granite[J].Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment
- Effect of temperature on macroscopic and microscopic properties of sandstone from Qidong coal mine[J].Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering
- Influence of cooling speed on the physical and mechanical properties of granite in geothermal-related engineering[J].Deep Underground Science and Engineering
- Rock abrasiveness prediction based on multi-source physical, mechanical and mineralogical properties.Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment
- 不同冷却方式对花岗岩力学损伤特征影响[J].煤炭学报
- Effects of confining pressure on acoustic emission and failure characteristics of sandstone[J].International Journal of Mining Science and Technology
- Distribution characteristics of the additional vertical stress on a shaft wall in thick and deep alluvium: a simulation analysis[J]