俞和胜,教授、博导,2013年6月获得加拿大滑铁卢大学博士学位。2014年获加拿大国际博士后最高荣誉——加拿大国家自然科学基金委员会工业博士后基金(NSERC IRDF)。2017年8月以破格教授身份作为引进人才入职中国矿业大学化工学院。2020年受聘江苏特聘教授,并受邀任江苏省侨联特聘专家、国家自然科学基金、江西省科技厅科技人才项目等评审专家。
主要从事人工智能、能源资源清洁利用、空气污染控制,及废水处理方面的研究。主持“江苏特聘教授”项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目、江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才项目、江苏省“双创博士”项目、徐州市重点研发项目、校企合作项目等创新创业及人才项目。在Environmental Science & Technology、Environment International、AIChE Journal、Carbon、Chemical Engineering Journal、Small、Journal of Materials Chemistry A 等期刊上以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文48篇;影响因子10+以上的论文18篇。发表于《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》关于“双碳战略”的文章被《科技日报》推介。发表于AIChE Journal期刊上的关于氨基CO2捕集的论文被遴选为该刊物2016年度8篇“Editor’s Choice”文章之一。获The 16th International Green Energy Conference (IGEC-XVI) and The 5th International Conference on Energy and AI (ICEAI-V) and Symposium on Chemical Engineering and AI 最佳论文奖及最佳口头报告奖。授权发明专利7件,软件著作权5件。担任著名国际会议执行主席1次;分会主席3次,做国际会议特邀报告3次。获江苏省高等学校科学技术研究成果奖三等奖(R1)。
指导研究生及本科生获获全国高等学校矿物加工实践作品大赛一等奖(2次)、国家奖学金 (2次)、江苏省省级“三好学生”、国家级大创(3项;1项结题优秀,入选国创年会)、“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛江苏省决赛一等奖、第十四届“挑战杯”中国大学生创业计划竞赛江苏省选拔赛终审决赛银奖、江苏大学生创新大赛(2024)高教主赛道二等奖(2项)、全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技作品大赛三等奖、江苏省第六届大学生水创意设计大赛三等奖、挑战杯创业计划大赛中国矿业大学校决赛金奖、国家励志奖学金(2次)、校级优秀学生称号、小米一等奖学金、首届全国煤炭行业矿山AI模型大赛三等奖(入选决赛15支队伍中唯一的矿加团队)。
论文列表 (*通讯作者; †共同一作):
发表论文第一/通讯作者50篇; 影响因子大于10的共计18篇。
环境类代表作:Environmental Science & Technology, Environment International, Journal of Cleaner Production, Atmospheric Environment
化工类代表作:AIChE Journal (Editor’s Choice), Chemical Engineering Science, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Chemical Engineering Journal
材料类代表作:Small, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Carbon, Applied Surface Science
能源类代表作:Applied Energy, Energy, Energy Conversion and Management, Energy and AI
54 Huang, Y.Q., Chen, Q., Li, Y.F., Li, X.G., Yu, H.S.*, Tan, Z.C.* (2025) Multi-scale modeling of fog harvesting using thin-fiber grids – Towards new design rubrics. Separation and Purification Technology, 354, 129137.
53 Nie, Q.Q.†, Wang, M.D.†, Xie, G.Y., Tan, Z.C.*, Yu, H.S.* (2024) CFD modeling of H2S removal from liquid sulfur in a pilot-scale gas-liquid contactor. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 189, 1246-1257.
52 Zhang, K.F., Wang, T., Yang, X.L., Xu, L., Thé, J., Tan, Z.C., Yu, H.S.* (2024) STATNet: One-stage coal-gangue detector based on deep learning algorithm for real industrial application. Energy and AI, 17, 100388.
51 Wang, T., Yang, X.L., Zhang, K.F., Cao, H., Tan, Z.C.*, Yu, H.S.* (2024) COFNet: A Deep Learning Model to Predict the Specific Surface Area of Covalent-Organic Frameworks Using Structural Images and Statistic Features. Chemical Physics Letters, 847, 141383.
50 Nie, Q.Q.†, Jia, L.H.†, Cui, Y.P., Luan, J.F., Liu, J.Y., Tan, Z.C.*, Yu, H.S.* (2024) Enhancing Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalytic Degradation of Nitric Oxide with Lignite-Derived Graphene Quantum Dots/BiOBr Heterojunctions. Separation and Purification Technology, 343, 127118.
49 Luan, J.F., Liu, J.Y., Huang, X.X., Tan, Z.C.*, Yu, H.S.* (2024) Experimental and computational study on removal of nitric oxide using NH2-MIL-125: Revisiting removal mechanism. Molecular Catalysis, 554, 113856.
48 Huang, Y.Q., Li, Y.F., Zhang, Y., Yu, H.S.* , Tan, Z.C.* (2024) Near-field Electrospinning for 2D and 3D Structuring: Fundamentals, Methods, and Applications. Materials Today Advances, 21, 100461. (影响因子:10.0)
47 Nie, Q.Q.†, Liu, L.F.†, Liu, J.Y., Shen, M.W., Huang, X.X., Tan, Z.C.*, Yu, H.S.* (2024) Photodegradation of xanthate using Bi2Fe4O9/ZnIn2S4 heterojunction: Experimental and DFT studies. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2024, 63, 1, 184–199 (化工三大期刊之一).
46 Nie, Q.Q. †, Jia, L.H. †, Luan, J.F., Cui, Y.P., Liu, J.Y., Tan, Z.C.*, Yu, H.S.* (2024) Graphene quantum dots/BiOCl visible-light active photocatalyst for degradation of NO. Chemical Engineering Science, 285, 119614. (化工三大期刊之一)
45 Zhang, G.Q., Liu, J.Y., Tan, Z.C.*, Yu, H.S.* (2024) Multivariate modeling of intrinsic kinetics for gas-solid heterogeneous photocatalytic reaction: A general method for different pollutant-photocatalyst systems. Chemical Engineering Journal, 479, 147651(, 影响因子:15.1)
44 Zhang, K.F., Yang, X.L., Xu, L., Thé, J., Tan, Z.C., Yu, H.S.* (2024) Enhancing coal-gangue object detection using GAN-based data augmentation strategy with dual attention mechanism. Energy, 287, 129654. (影响因子:9;中科院一区)
43 Liu, J.Y., Huang, X.X., Hu, L.Z., Liu, P.L., Jia, L.H., Sasaki, K., Tan, Z.C.*, Yu, H.S.* (2023) Nitric oxide removal by synergistic photooxidation and adsorption using Pd1/g-C3N4-UiO-66-NH2 P-A heterojunction. Chemical Engineering Journal, 476, 146768. (影响因子:15.1)
42 Yu, H.S., Gao, E.Q., Tan, Z.C.* (2023) Automated nanofiber sizing by multi-image processing and deep learning with revised UNet model. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, (Accept)
41 Hu, L.Z., Gao, N.S., Huang, B., Yu, H.S.*, Chen, Q.Q.* (2023) Modification of VPO4 with carbon and 3DG for high performance lithium-ion battery anode. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, (Accept)
40 Zhang, Y. †, Li, Y.F. †, Zuo, Z.G., Musselman, K., Duan, X.M., Yu, H.S.*, Xu, Z.H., Tan, Z.C.* (2023) A Facile and Strategic Approach to Superhydrophobic Fibrous Structure with Biaxially Aligned Electrospun Porous Fibers. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2300507 (Accept, DOI: 10.1002/admi.202300507)
39 Hu, L.Z.†, Liu, J.Y.†, Huang, X.X., Nie, Q.Q., Liu, P.L., Tan, Z.C.*, Yu, H.S.* (2023) Carbon-bridged Atomically Dispersed Platinum on MOF-derived ZnO/C for Selective Photocatalytic Oxidation of NO into Nitrates and Nitrites. Carbon, 214, 118299. (美国碳学会官方期刊, 影响因子:10.9)
38 Zhang, G.Q., Liu, J.Y., Jia, L.H., Wang, H.M., Tan, Z.C.*, Yu, H.S.* (2023) A novel numerical method coupling CFD with PSO vs. mathematical approach in the modeling of photocatalytic degradation of NO. Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 8, 2592-2605.
37 Wang, M.D., Nie, Q.Q., Xie, G.Y., Tan, Z.C.*, Yu, H.S.* (2023) Mathematical Modelling and CFD Simulation for Oxygen Removal in a Multi-function Gas-Liquid Contactor. Processes, 11, 1780.
36 俞和胜,祁海鹰,谭忠超(2023)“双碳”背景下传统化石能源脱碳制氢增值化利用技术. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 63:1226-1235. 【该文被《科技日报》推介:http://digitalpaper.stdaily.com/http_www.kjrb.com/kjrb/html/2024-04/08/content_569733.htm】
35 Jin, H., Li, S.H.*, Yu, H.S., Yuan, L., Zhou, F.B.*, Tan, Z.C. (2023) Filtration of dust particles in underground coal mines. Powder Technology, 423, 118506.
34 Zhang, K.F., Yang, X.L., Wang, T., Thé, J., Tan, Z.C., Yu, H.S.*(2023) Multi-step carbon price forecasting using a hybrid model based on multivariate decomposition strategy and deep learning algorithms. Journal of Cleaner Production, 405, 136959(影响因子:11.072)
33 Shen, M.W., Zhang, G.Q., Liu, J.Y., Liu, Y.H., Zhai, J.Y., Zhang, H.C., Yu, H.S.* (2023) Visible-light driven photodegradation of xanthate in a continuous fixed-bed photoreactor: Experimental Study and Modeling. Chemical Engineering Journal, 461, 141833. (影响因子:16.744,本科生一作)
32 Liu, J.Y., Huang, X.X., Jia, L.H., Liu, L.F., Nie, Q.Q., Tan, Z.C.*, Yu, H.S.* (2023) Microwave-assisted Rapid Substitution of Ti for Zr to Produce Bimetallic (Zr/Ti)UiO-66-NH2 with Congenetic “Shell-Core” Structure for Enhancing Photocatalytic Removal of Nitric Oxide. Small, 2207198. (Accept, 10.1002/smll.202207198, 影响因子:15.153)
31 Li, Y.F., Yu, H.S., Jiang, X.H., Deng, G.R., Wen, J. Z., Tan, Z.C.* (2023) Techno-economic analysis for hydrogen-burning power plant with onsite hydrogen production unit based on methane catalytic decomposition. Energy Conversion and Management, 277, 116674. (影响因子:11.533)
30. Wang, M.D., Ni, C., Bu, X.X., Peng, Y.L., Xie, G.Y., Tan, Z.C.*, Yu, H.S.* (2023) CFD-PBM Simulation of the Colum Flotation Unit of FCMC: Importance of Gas-Liquid Interphase Forces Models. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, (Accept, https://doi.org/10.1002/cjce.24828)
29. Hu, L.Z., Huang, X.X., Nie, Q.Q., Wang, T., Liu, P.L., Liu, J.Y., Tan, Z.C.*, Yu, H.S.* (2023) Single Pd Atoms Supported on Ultra-thin Bismuth Tungstate Nanosheets with Oxygen Vacancy as an Efficient Photocatalyst. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 11, 1723-1733 (HOT Paper, 影响因子:14.511)
28. Zhang, K.F., Yang, X.L., Cao, H., Thé, J., Tan, Z.C., Yu, H.S.* (2023) Multi-step forecast of PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations using convolutional neural network integrated with spatial-temporal attention and residual learning. Environment International, 171, 107691 (影响因子:13.352)
27. Zhang, Y., Huang, Y.Q., Li, Y.F., Yu, H.S.*, Tan, Z.C.* (2022) Free energy barrier in wetting parallel-structured surfaces. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 655, 130214.
26. Hu, L.Z., Wang, T., Nie, Q.Q., Liu, J.Y., Cui, Y.P., Zhang, K.F., Tan, Z.C., Yu, H.S.* (2022) Single Pd atoms anchored graphitic carbon nitride for highly selective and stable photocatalysis of nitric oxide. Carbon, 200, 187-198. (美国碳学会官方期刊, 影响因子:11.307).
25. Yang, X.L., Zhang, K.F., Ni, C., Cao, H., Thé, J., Xie, G.Y., Tan, Z.C., Yu, H.S.* (2022) Ash determination of coal flotation concentrate by analyzing froth image using a novel hybrid model based on deep learning algorithms and attention mechanism. Energy, 260, 125027. (中科院一区)
24. Liu, J.Y., Huang, X.X. Liu, L.F., Nie, Q.Q., Tan, Z.C., Yu, H.S.* (2022) New insights into the removal of nitric oxide using UiO-66-NH2: Synergistic photooxidation and subsequent adsorption. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 10, 108294.
23. Li, Y.F., Zhang, Y., Zhou, N., Yu, H.S.*, Tan, Z.C.* (2022), Electrospun-nanofibrous Redox-active Separator for Enhancing the Capacity of Lithium-ion Batteries. Chemical Engineering Science, 260, 117873. (化工三大期刊之一)
22. Li, Y.F., Yu, H.S., Zhang, Y., Zhou, N., Tan, Z.C.* (2022), Kinetics and Characterization of Preparing Conductive Nanofibrous Membrane by In-situ Polymerization of Polypyrrole on Electrospun Nanofibers. Chemical Engineering Journal 433, 133531. (影响因子:16.744)
21. Cui, Y.P., Huang, X.X., Wang, T., Jia, L.H., Nie, Q.Q., Tan, Z.C., Yu, H.S.* (2022), Graphene Quantum Dots / Carbon Nitride Heterojunction with Enhanced Visible-Light Driven Photocatalysis of Nitric Oxide: An Experimental and DFT Study. Carbon, 191:502-514. (美国碳学会官方期刊, 影响因子:11.307).
20. Zhang, K.F., Cao, H., Thé, J., Yu, H.S.* (2022), A hybrid model for multi-step coal price forecasting using decomposition technique and deep learning algorithms. Applied Energy 306, 118011. (影响因子:11.446)
19. Ni, C., Zhang, Q.S., Jin, M.G., Xie, G.Y., Peng, Y.L., Yu, H.S.*, Bu, X.N.* (2022), Effect of high-speed shear flocculation on the flotation kinetics of ultrafine microcrystalline graphite. Powder Technology 396:345-353.
18. Wang, T., Zhang, K.F., Thé, J., Yu, H.S.* (2022), Accurate prediction of band gap of materials using stacking machine learning model. Computational Materials Science. 201, 110899.
17. Cui, Y.P., Wang, T., Liu, J.Y., Hu, L.Z., Nie, Q.Q., Tan, Z.C., Yu, H.S.* (2021), Enhanced Solar Photocatalytic Degradation of Nitric Oxide using Graphene Quantum Dots/Bismuth Tungstate Composite Catalysts. Chemical Engineering Journal 420, 129595. (影响因子:16.744)
16. Liu, J.Y., Wang, T., Nie, Q.Q., Hu, L.Z., Cui, Y.P., Tan, Z.C., Yu, H.S.* (2021), One-step synthesis of metallic Bi deposited Bi2WO6 nanoclusters for enhanced photocatalytic performance: An experimental and DFT study. Applied Surface Science. 559, 149970. (中科院一区)
15. Zhang, K.F., Thé, J., Xie, G.Y., Yu, H.S.* (2020), Multi-step ahead forecasting of regional air quality using spatial-temporal deep neural networks: A case study of Huaihai Economic Zone. Journal of Cleaner Production. 277, 123231. (影响因子:11.072)
14. Liu, J.Y., Nie, Q.Q., Tan, Z.C., Luo, Y.L., Wang, S., Yu, H.S.* (2020), Insights into the impurities of Bi2WO6 synthesized using the hydrothermal method. RSC Advances 10 (67), 40597-40607.
13. Hu, P., Liang, L., Peng, Y., Yu, H.S.*, Xie, G. Y.* (2020), Recovery of microcrystalline graphite from quartz using magnetic seeding, Minerals 10 (1), 24.
12. 刘嘉友,聂倩倩,俞和胜*,李亚萍 (2020),卷心菜状Bi2WO6光催化降解黄药废水. 金属矿山,524: 122-128.
11. Ni, C., Bu, X.N., Xia, W., Peng, Y., Yu, H.S.*, Xie, G.Y.* (2018), Observing slime-coating of fine minerals on the lump coal surface using particle vision and measurement. Powder technology. 339, 434-439.
10. Thé, J., Yu, H.S.* (2017), A critical review on the simulations of wind turbine aerodynamics focusing on hybrid RANS-LES methods. Energy, 138: 257-289. (中科院一区)
9. Yu, H.S., Thé, J. (2017), Simulation of gaseous pollutant dispersion around an isolated building using the k–ω SST (shear stress transport) turbulence model. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. 67: 517-536.
8. Yu, H.S., Thé, J. (2016), Validation and Optimization of SST k-ω Turbulence Model for Pollutant Dispersion within A Building Array. Atmospheric Environment, 145: 225-238.
7. Yu, H.S., Thé, J., Tan, Z.C., Feng, X.S. (2016), Modeling SO2 Absorption into Water Accompanied with Reversible Reaction in a Hollow Fiber Membrane Contactor.Chemical Engineering Science,156: 136–146. (化工三大期刊之一)
6. Yu, H.S., Tan, Z.C., Thé, J., Feng, X.S., Croiset, E., Anderson, W.A. (2016), Kinetics of the Absorption of Carbon Dioxide into Aqueous Ammonia Solutions. AIChE Journal, 62, 3673–3684. (化工三大期刊之首,Editor’s Choice Paper, 1 out of 8 “Editor’s Choice” Papers in 2016).
5. Wu, D.H., Tan, Z.C., Yu, H.S., Li, Q.H., Thé, J., Feng, X.S. (2016) Use of nanofiltration to reject cobalt (II) from ammoniacal solutions involved in absorption of SO2/NOx, Chemical Engineering Science145, 97-107. (化工三大期刊之一)
4. Yu, H.S. and Tan. Z.C. (2014) On the Kinetics of the Absorption of Nitric Oxide into Ammoniacal Cobalt(II) Solutions. Environmental Science & Technology 48, 2453–2463. (影响因子:11.357)
3. Yu, H.S. and Tan. Z.C. (2013) Determination of Equilibrium Constants for Reactions between Nitric Oxide and Ammoniacal Cobalt(II) Solutions at Temperatures from 298.15 to 309.15 K and pH Values between 9.06 and 9.37 under Atmospheric Pressure in a Bubble Column. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research52, 3663-3673. (化工三大期刊之一)
2. Yu, H.S., Zhu, Q.Y. and Tan, Z.C. (2012) Absorption of nitric oxide from simulated flue gas using different absorbents at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. Applied Energy 93, 53-58. (影响因子:11.446)
1. Yu, H.S. and Tan. Z.C. (2012) New Correlations of Volumetric Liquid-Phase Mass Transfer Coefficients in Gas-Inducing Agitated Tank Reactors. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering 10, 1-20.
- 研究方向
- 社会兼职
- 社会兼职内容:第35届国际匹兹堡煤炭大会(2018 IPCC)分会主席
- 社会兼职内容:2017年国际煤炭科学与技术会议暨2017年中澳能源研讨会(2017 ICCS&T)煤炭加工分会主席、国内委员会成员
- 社会兼职内容:《AIChE Journal》、《Chemical Engineering Journal》、《Energy》、《Energy & Fuels》、《Aerosol and Air Quality Research》、《Fuel Processing Technology》、《Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association》等SCI期刊审稿人。其中,2016年为Energy期刊审稿40余篇,被Elsevier评为Energy杰出审稿人
- 教育经历
- 工作经历
加拿大滑铁卢大学 | 机械工程 | 博士研究生毕业 | 博士
中国矿业大学 | 矿物加工工程 | 硕士研究生毕业 | 硕士
中国矿业大学 | 矿物加工工程 | 本科毕业 | 学士
Lakes Environmental
- 教授
硕士生导师 - 教师拼音名称:yuhesheng
- 电子邮箱:
- 所在单位:化工学院
- 职务:Professor
- 办公地点:中国矿业大学文昌校区综合楼203
- 性别:男
- 学位:博士
- 职称:教授
- 毕业院校:加拿大滑铁卢大学
- 2020当选:江苏特聘教授
- 2020-08-01江苏特聘教授
- 2014-10-15加拿大国家自然科学基金工业博士后奖学金
- 2020-08-01中国矿业大学“高端人才计划”攀登学者
- 2019-06-01江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才
- 2018-06-28江苏省“双创博士”
- 2016-08-01AIChE Journal Editor’s Choice Paper
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