Paper Publications
Universal scaling of correlated diffusion of colloidal particles near a liquid-liquid interface
- Impact Factor:3.971
- DOI number:10.1063/1.4824653
- Journal:Applied Physics Letters (自然指数(Nature Index)收录SCI Top期刊)
- Abstract:In this letter, we investigate the correlated diffusion of colloidal particles in quasi two-dimensional monolayer near an oil-water interface for different distance between the interface and the particle monolayer z. It is found that there is a transition in the behavior of the correlated diffusion from the bulk dominated to the interface dominated with decreasing z or increasing inter-particle separation r. With a scaling method proposed by us, the correlated diffusion can be scaled onto a master curve which captures the characters of this transition. The scale factors and the master curve allow the calculation of the distance z, which are in agreement with the one-particle measurements.
- First Author:Wei Zhang*
- Co-author:Song Chen,Na Li,Jiazheng Zhang,Wei Chen*
- Indexed by:Journal paper
- Document Code:154102
- Volume:103
- Issue:15
- Page Number:154102
- ISSN No.:0003-6951
- Translation or Not:no
- Date of Publication:2013-10-07
- Included Journals:SCI
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