Weir Zhang
I am a professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Materials and Physics, China University of Mining and Technology. I graduated in 2014 from the Department of Physics at Fudan University, where I obtained my PhD in condensed matter physics from the State Key Laboratory of Applied Surface Physics. From April 2014 to February 2016, I worked as a postdoctoral researcher (assistant researcher) in the Department of Physics at Zhejiang University. From June 2022 to June 2023, I was a visiting scholar at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.
Currently, I am primarily engaged in research in the fields of nanobiophysics and colloidal physics. I have led two projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, one special grant from the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, one first-class general project from the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, one youth fund project from the Jiangsu Provincial Natural Science Foundation, one basic research project at the municipal level in Xuzhou, and one teaching reform project at the university level.
I have participated in six national-level research projects and two teaching reform projects. I have published over 30 SCI papers as the first (corresponding) author in important international academic journals such as Physical Review Letters, Physics of Fluids, Carbon, Nanoscale, and Applied Physics Letters. I serve as a reviewer for academic journals including PCCP, Phys. Rev. E, Physica A, Comp. Mater. Sci., and Eur. Phys. J. B, and I am a communication evaluation expert for the Degree and Graduate Education Development Center of the Ministry of Education, as well as a communication evaluation expert for National Natural Science Foundation projects.
My research group recruits 1~2 graduate students every year, welcome to apply and consult!
Nanyang Technological University | 访学
Fudan University | 凝聚态物理 | Doctor | 研究生
China University of Mining and Technology | 凝聚态物理 | 硕士 | 研究生
中国矿业大学 | 应用物理 | 学士 | 本科
2016.2- Now
China University of Mining and Technology | School of Materials and Physics
2014.2- 2016.2
Zhejiang University | Department of Physics
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