[1] 倪国栋,周乾弟,李宗波,张婷婷,张琳.新形势下高校研究生导师工作压力现状与对策,2024,2024年05期:162-172,11
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[4] 倪国栋,周琪,缪心玥,牛苗苗,郑雨茁,朱媛媛,倪国轩.What and How Influence the Safety Knowledge Sharing of New Generation of Construction Workers in China: A Study Based on DEMATEL and ISM,2023
[5] 倪国栋,贺先,王克东,缪心玥,翟安缘.Inducing Factors and Mechanisms of Safety Silence of Project Frontline Managers,2023
[6] 倪国栋,方亚琦,张子垚,李小冬.工作-家庭平衡对新生代建筑工人安全行为的促进机制——情感事件理论视角,2023,2023年07期:198-204,7
[7] 倪国栋,方亚琦,张琦,丁志华.风险倾向对新生代建筑工人危险感知的影响机制,2023,2023年05期:221-229,9
[8] Zhang, Ziyao,倪国栋,Lin, Han,李宗波,Zhou, Zhipeng.Linking empowering leadership to work-related well-being and project citizenship behavior in the construction context: a self-determination perspective,2023,卷: 16期: 2页: 232-257
[9] 张子垚,倪国栋,林翰,李宗波,周志鹏.Linking empowering leadershipto work-related well-beingand project citizenship behaviorin the construction context:a self-determination perspective,2022
[10] 方亚琦,倪国栋,高烽玲,张琦,牛苗苗,丁志华.Influencing Mechanism of Safety Sign Features on Visual Attention of Construction Workers: A Study Based on Eye-Tracking Technology,2022
[11] 倪国栋,缪心玥,李莅,李怀坤,王少波,牛苗苗.Can Professionalization Alleviate Job Burnout in Construction Workers in China? A Multivariable Mediating Model,2022
[12] Yuan, Zhenmin,张琦,Chang, Yuan,Huang, Xuyan,Fang, Yaqi,倪国栋.Evaluating the relationship between lean construction capability and benefits of prefabricated building from the perspective of coupling coordination degree,2022,v 42,n 9,p2540-2550