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[14] 倪国栋,Zhang, Ziyao,Zhou, Zhipeng,Lin, Han,Fang, Yaqi.When and for whom organizational identification is more effective in eliciting safety voice: an empirical study from the construction industry perspective,2022
[15] 袁振民,方亚琦,洪竞科,张琪,张子垚,倪国栋.Coupling Relationship between Capabilities and Benefits of Lean Construction for Precast Buildings from a Multivariable Moderation Perspective,2022,卷: 148期: 5
[16] 倪国栋,Li, Huaikun,Jin, Tinghao,胡海波,Zhang, Ziyao.Analysis of Factors Influencing the Job Satisfaction of New Generation of Construction Workers in China: A Study Based on DEMATEL and ISM,2022,卷: 12期: 5
[17] 倪国栋,Lv, Lei,Miao, Xinyue,Fang, Yaqi,Liu, Qing.Formation Mechanism and Dynamic Evolution Laws About Unsafe Behavior of New Generation of Construction Workers Based on China's Construction Industry: Application of Grounded Theory and System Dynamics,2022,卷: 13
[18] 倪国栋,吕磊,王少波,缪心玥,方亚琦,刘晴.Formation Mechanism and Dynamic Evolution Laws about Unsafe Behavior of New Generation of Construction Workers Based on China’s Construction Industry: Application of Grounded Theory and System Dynamics,2022
[19] 倪国栋,张子垚,袁振民,黄海涛,许娜,邓勇亮.Transformation paths and influencing factors of tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge in real estate companies a qualitative study,2022
[20] 倪国栋,高兰,王文顺,杨圣奇,许娜.我国创新人才培养研究的现状、热点与趋势——基于CSSCI来源期刊文献的可视化分析,2022,2022年01期:51-60,10
[21] 倪国栋,李怀坤,曹明旭,王克东.新生代建筑工人不安全行为的诱发因素与干预对策研究,2022
[22] 殷洁茹,田心怡,欧阳靓洁,高兰,倪国栋.项目成员工作幸福感的影响因素与改善对策研究,2021,2021年11期:8-14,7
[23] 倪国栋,高兰,王宪儒,谷甜甜,王天昕.工作满意度对建筑工人不安全行为的矫正机制研究,2021,2021年09期:156-162,7
[24] 倪国栋,张子垚,袁振民,黄海涛,许娜,邓勇亮.Transformation paths and influencing factors of tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge in real estate companies a qualitative study,2021