Paper Publications
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- mouyanzi.基于背景值和结构相容性改进的多维灰色预测模型.自动化学报,2021
- mouyanzi,王志铭,李守军,Dai Wei.基于背景值和结构相容性改进的多维灰色预测模型,2021,2022年04期:1079-1090,12
- mouyanzi.Uncalibrated Visual Servoing for a Planar Two Link Rigid-Flexible Manipulator Without Joint-Space-Velocity Measurement.IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems (TSMC),2020
- mouyanzi.S-VIT: Stereo Visual-Inertial Tracking of Lower Limb for Physiotherapy Rehabilitation in Context of Comprehensive Evaluation of SLAM Systems..IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (TASE),2020
- 王志铭,mouyanzi,李守军.基于灰色GM(1,1)模型对瓦斯气团生命周期的预测,2020,:259-260,2
- 翟煜,mouyanzi.基于SVM决策树的人体姿态识别研究,2020,:265,1
- mouyanzi.基于灰色 GM(1,1)模型对瓦斯气团生命周期的预测,2020
- mouyanzi.A novel varistructure grey forecasting model with speed adaptation and its application.Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,2020
- Xu Fan,mouyanzi.Underwater Dynamic Modeling for A Cable-driven Soft Robot Arm,2018,38;5;
- mouyanzi.Mobile Robot Odor Source Localization Based on Modified FWA,2018