Paper Publications
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12. Mohamed Nour*, Ahmed I Elseesy, Ali Attia, Xuesong Li, Sameh A. Nada, “Adding n-butanol, n-heptanol, and n-octanol to improve vaporization, combustion, and emission characteristics of diesel/used frying oil biodiesel blends in DICI engine”, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy. 2020;e13549, DOI: 10.1002/ep.13549.
- Release time:2024-11-26
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- Pre One:15. Zhe Sun, Mingli Cui, Mohamed Nour, Xuesong Li*, David Hung, Min Xu, “Differences in pool-fire induced soot production between subcooled spray and flash boiling spray in a DISI engine”, Fuel, 2020, 119453, DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2020.119453.
- Next One:29. Mohamed (Nour) FARAG*, Hidenori Kosaka, Mahmoud Bady, and Ali K. Abdel-Rahman, “Effects of Intake and Exhaust Manifold Water Injection on Combustion and Emission Characteristics of a DI Diesel Engine”, Journal of Thermal Science and Technology (JTST), Vol.12, NO.1, May 2017. Paper No.17-00067, DOI: 10.1299/jtst.2017jtst0014.