Paper Publications
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- Ting Law,Xiang, Jun-Xiang,Liang, Han-Liang,孙馨,mazhanguo,Wei-HaoYang,jinghongwen.Rapid gas-liquid detonation synthesis of core-shell structural graphite coated TiO2 nanoparticles,2019,v 92,p61-64
- Li, Yao,陈培见,彭娟,高峰,罗宁.Wrinkling and failure behavior of single-layer MoS2 sheets under in-plane shear,2019,v 21,n 35,p19115-19125
- Ting Law,Liang, Hanliang,Shen, Tao,yangweihao.TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE OF YOUNG'S MODULUS OF RED SANDSTONE,2019,卷: 23期: 3页: 1599-1606子辑: A
- Xiang, Jun-Xiang,Ting Law,Shen, Tao,Liang, Han-Liang,jinghongwen,mazhanguo.Rapid synthesis of carbon/graphite encapsulated iron-based composite nanoparticles by a gaseous-liquid detonation,2018,卷: 90页: 1-6
- Ting Law,申涛,向俊庠.爆炸焊接记忆合金Ni50Ti50与Cu界面的扩散机理,2018,2018年10期:3238-3242,5
- Ting Law,Shen Tao,Xiang Junxiang.Diffusion Mechanism of Explosive Welding Interface Between Memory Alloy N50Ti50 and Cu,2018,卷: 47期: 10页: 3238-3242
- Shen, Tao,Ting Law,Xiang, Junxiang,Gao, Xiangtao.Numerical simulation on explosion mechanism of split-tube charge holders,2018,v 38,n 5,p1172-1180
- 向俊庠,Ting Law.Rapid synthesis of carbon-graphite encapsulated iron-based composite nanoparticles by a gaseous-liquid detonation,2018,90;1;1-6
- Ting Law.graphite coated copper nanoparticles and tribological performance as lubricant additives,2018,26;2;87-92
- 申涛,Ting Law,向俊庠,高祥涛.切缝药包爆炸作用机理数值模拟,2018,2018年05期:1172-1180,9