Paper Publications
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- 罗宁,Xiang Junxiang,Shen Tao,马占国.Gas-liquid detonation synthesis of graphite coated copper nanoparticles and tribological performance as lubricant additives,2018,卷: 26期: 2页: 87-92
- 罗宁.Gas-liquid detonation synthesis of graphite coated copper nanoparticles,2017,12;2017;
- 姜丽丽,牛华伟,Ru Yufan,仝爱华,王宜峰.Analysis on the mediating effect and regulating impact of carbon finance on quality-focused economy advancement,2023
- 姜丽丽,牛华伟,Ru, Yufan,Tong, Aihua,Wang, Yifeng.Analysis on the mediating effect and regulating impact of carbon finance on quality-focused economy advancement,2023,卷: 11
- 牛华伟.债务能力、流动性与风险管理——基于内生信贷约束的视角,2023,Vol. 32, No. 4
- 姜丽丽,牛华伟,Wang, Hui,Wang, Yifeng,Tong, Aihua.Dynamic Implied Risk Aversion Term Structure: An Empirical Analysis Based on Shanghai Stock Exchange 50 ETF Option,2023,v 2023,
- 牛华伟,朱可.碳市场建立下企业债转股最优决策研究,2022
- 牛华伟,曹玲玲.碳价格、绿色投资与债券信用利差,2022
- 牛华伟、曹玲玲. 碳价格、绿色投资与债券信用利差.第十九届中国金融学年会,2022
- 牛华伟.债务能力、流动性与风险管理——基于内生信贷约束的视角,2022