- 丁世飞.Survey on Granularity Clustering,2015,9;6;561-572
- 贾洪杰,丁世飞.求解大规模谱聚类的近似加权核k-means算法,2015,26;11;2836-2846
- 贾洪杰,丁世飞.Self-Tuning p-Spectral Clustering Based on Shared Nearest Neighbors.,2015,7;5;622-632
- 鲍丽娜,丁世飞.基于邻域粗糙集的极速学习计算法,2015,29;5;367-371
- 花小朋,丁世飞.Weighted least squares projection twin support vector machines with local information.,2015,159;1;111-233
- 徐丽,丁世飞.A Fast Classification Method Using SVM Based on Affinity Propagation Clustering Algorithm,2015,11;16;
- 丁世飞.Deep Extreme Learning Machine and Its Application in EEG Classification,2015,2015;129021;
- 丁世飞.Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Soft Computing,2015,2015;578321;1-2
- 丁世飞.Twice clustering based individual neural network generation method,2015,157;1;264-272
- 丁世飞.Extreme Learning Machine algorithm Theory and Applications,2015,44;1;105-115