Scientific Research
Research Field
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Paper Publications
more+- [1]Gong, Chuangang,雷少刚,卞正富,刘迎,Zhang, Zhouai,程伟.Analysis of the development of an erosion gully in an open-pit coal mine dump during a winter freeze-thaw cycle by using low-cost UAVs,2019,v 11,n 11,
- [2]chengwei,bianzhengfu.Soil properties in reclaimed farmland by filling subsidence basin due to underground coal mining with mineral wastes in China,2014,24;8;2627-2635
- [3]chengwei.Chronic administration of troxerutin protects mouse brain against,2010
- [4]chengwei.岷江上游林线附近岷江冷杉种群的生存分析,2005
- [5]chengwei.岷江上游林线附近岷江冷杉种群的生态学特点,2005
Published Books
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Research Projects
more+- [1]2024-14430,大型露天矿区水资源立体保护与生态利用关键技术-1,国家能源投资集团有 限责任公司,2023-12-20
- [2]2023-14092,工矿废弃地立体空间开发和综合整治技术集成及示范-4,深地科学与工程云龙湖实验室,2023-12-05
- [3]2023-14035,煤炭开采对生态环境损伤演变机理-4,中国矿业大学,2023-12-12
- [4]2022-12364,排土场表土材料替代与改良,准格尔旗矿区事业发展中心转拨鄂尔多斯市科技局,2022-01-01
- [5]2018-9735-02,准格尔煤炭基地生态安全保障技术筛选与集成,准格尔旗矿区环境恢复治理中心转,2018-10-24
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