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Paper Publications
chengwei,leishaogang,bianzhengfu,Zhao, Yibo,Li, Yuncong,Gan, Yandong.Geographic distribution of heavy metals and identification of their sources in soils near large, open-pit coal mines using positive matrix factorization,2020,v 387,
郭海桥,chengwei,尚志,Mu Shouguo,bianzhengfu,leishaogang.水分和冻融循环对酷寒矿区煤矸石风化崩解速率影响的定量研究,2019,2019年12期:3859-3864,6
Gong, Chuangang,雷少刚,卞正富,刘迎,Zhang, Zhouai,程伟.Analysis of the development of an erosion gully in an open-pit coal mine dump during a winter freeze-thaw cycle by using low-cost UAVs,2019,v 11,n 11,
chengwei,bianzhengfu.Soil properties in reclaimed farmland by filling subsidence basin due to underground coal mining with mineral wastes in China,2014,24;8;2627-2635
chengwei.Chronic administration of troxerutin protects mouse brain against,2010
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