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Cheng Gang
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Scientific Research
Paper Publications
[1]马森财,Cheng Gang,liyong,黄御封,庄德玉.Research on multi-granularity imbalanced knowledge condition monitoring for mechanical equipment based on hierarchical ELM in multi-entropy space,2024,Volume 238 Part B
[2]董凯丰,李军,吕梦瑶,李鑫,顾伟,Cheng Gang.Active Disturbance Rejection Control Algorithm for the Driven Branch Chain of a Polishing Robot,2023,v69(11-12)
[3]马森财,Cheng Gang,liyong,赵荣珍.Dimension reduction method of high-dimensional fault datasets based on C_M_t-SNE under unsupervised background,2023,v 214,
[4]Xu, Shichang,Cheng Gang,Cui, Zhenguo,Jin, Zujin,Gu, Wei.Measuring bulk material flow-incorporating RFID and point cloud data processing,2022,卷: 200
[5]Chen, Shibiao,Cheng Gang,Pang, Yusong.Dynamic Analysis and Trajectory Tracking Control for a Parallel Manipulator with Joint Friction,2022,卷: 12期: 13
[6]Guo, Feng,Cheng Gang,Wang, Shilin,Li, Jun.Rigid-flexible coupling dynamics analysis with joint clearance for a 5-DOF hybrid polishing robot,2022,卷: 40期: 7页: 2168-2188
[7]Jin, Zujin,Cheng Gang,Meng, Yutong.Feedforward combined multi-axis cross-coupling contour control compensation strategy of optical mirror processing robot,2022
[8]Guo, Feng,Cheng Gang,Pang, Yusong.Explicit dynamic modeling with joint friction and coupling analysis of a 5-DOF hybrid polishing robot,2022,v 167,
[9]Jin, Zujin,Cheng Gang,Xu, Shichang,Yuan, Dunpeng.Error Prediction for a Large Optical Mirror Processing Robot Based on Deep Learning,2022,卷: 68期: 3页: 175-184
[10]郭锋,Cheng Gang,袁欣.Fatigue life and reliability analysis of a parallel hip joint simulator,2021,39
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