Paper Publications
- 杨帅,李彬,阴妍,鲍久圣.制动系统状态监测与故障诊断研究现状,2014,30;5;1-4
- 李增松,李彬,阴妍,鲍久圣.机械摩擦状态监测技术研究现状,2014,无;2;134-141+155
- 刘超,baojiusheng.救生舱抗爆炸冲击载荷数值模拟,2014,无;1;141-144
- baojiusheng,Yan Yin,陆玉浩,胡东阳,卢立建.A cusp catastrophe model for the friction catastrophe of mine brake material in continuous repeated brakings,2013,227;10;1150-1156
- baojiusheng,Yan Yin,zhuzhencai,童敏明,陆玉浩,Peng Yuxing.Wear modalities and mechanisms of the mining non-asbestos composite brake material,2013,20;4;331-339
- baojiusheng,陈光柱,zhuzhencai,童敏明,Yan Yin,Peng Yuxing.Friction and wear properties of the composite brake material for mine hoister under different initial velocity,2012,226;10;873-879
- baojiusheng,zhuzhencai,童敏明,Yan Yin,Peng Yuxing.Influence of braking pressure on tribological performance of non-asbestos brake shoe for mine hoister during emergency braking,2012,64;4;230-236
- baojiusheng,童敏明,zhuzhencai,Yan Yin.Intelligent tribological forecasting model and system for disc brake,2012,;;3887-3891
- baojiusheng,zhuzhencai,童敏明,Yan Yin.Dynamic friction heat model for disc brake during emergency braking,2011,4;11-12;3716-3720
- baojiusheng,zhuzhencai,童敏明,Yan Yin.Intelligent Predictions on Frictional Properties of Non-Asbestos Brake Shoe for Mine Hoister Based on ANN model,2011