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Relationship between the Geological Origins of Pore-Fracture and Methane Adsorption Behaviors in High-Rank Coal


Abstract:Coal is characterized by a complex pore-fracture network and functional groups, which are derived from various geological origins and which further affect methane adsorption. To explore the relationship between the geological origins of pore-fractures and methane adsorption behaviors, we conducted pore structure tests and adsorption isotherms on six Qinshui high-rank coals. The pores and fractures were observed using an optical microscope (OM), a field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM), and a high-resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM), and the pore structure parameters were determined using mercury intrusion and low-pressure N2 and CO2 adsorption. High-pressure CH4 adsorption isotherms were obtained at 30 °C using the manometric method. Results show that the Qinshui high-rank coals develop five stages of pore size distribution, consisting of the smaller micropore stage (0.3−1 nm), the larger micropore and smaller mesopore stage (1−10 nm), the mesopore and smaller macropore stage (10−110 nm), the microfracture stage (0.11−40 μm), and the larger macropore stage (>40 μm). The micropores dominate the total pore volume (PV) and specific surface area (SSA). Pores and fractures of various morphologies and sizes have different geological origins, which are related to coalification and stress field evolution. Methane adsorption on coals mainly occurs in the micropores as a form of volume filling. The maximum pore size for complete gas filling (MPSCGF) ranges from 0.60 to 0.88 nm in Qinshui high-rank coals. The coal-forming geological processes, such as coalification and stress field evolution, contribute to various pores and fractures, which show different pore sizes and functional groups. The geological origins of pores and fractures control the methane adsorption behaviors in coals by way of the pore size and functional groups. Surface coverage-related methane adsorption behavior occurs in fractures, primary pores, and large-scale secondary pores, while micropore filling is the methane adsorption behavior in macromolecular pores and small-scale secondary pores. The aim of this study is to provide a new insight into the methane adsorption on coals from the geological process of the formation and modification of pores and fractures.

Indexed by:Journal paper

Discipline:Natural Science

Document Type:J

Translation or Not:no

Included Journals:SCI

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Associate professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates


School/Department:School of Resources and Geosciences

Administrative Position:Deputy Director of the Department

Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Business Address:CBM Development Laboratory in Wenchang Campus of China University of Mining and Technology





Academic Titles:Deputy director of Jiangsu low carbon society

Other Post:Member of Chinese Geological Society

Alma Mater:China University of Mining and Technology

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Honors and Titles:

2024中国知网高被引学者TOP5%  2025-01-03

中国自动化学会技术发明二等奖  2023-11-01

领跑者5000中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文  2022-12-29

2021年度中国地质学会地质类工程专业优秀本科毕业设计指导教师  2022-08-25

贵州省科技进步三等奖  2007-11-07

煤炭工业协会科技进步二等奖  2013-03-06

贵州省科技进步二等奖  2020-07-01

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