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低碳能源与动力工程学院Business Address:
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Doctoral Degree in EngineeringAlma Mater:
武汉大学Teacher College:
School of Low-Carbon Energy and Power Engineering
Other Contact Information
主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、江苏省“双碳项目”子课题、江苏省双创博士人才项目,矿业大学“启航计划”人才项目、中央高校基础科研业务费、企业横向项目,累计经费过百万。曾获教育部国家奖学金4次,获武汉大学优秀研究生、武汉大学学术创新二等奖等荣誉,累计发表论文20余篇,其中SCI一区期刊收录17篇,Scopus期刊引用近400篇次,授权国家发明专利一项。与清华大学、香港理工大学、香港科技大学(广州)、东南大学、武汉大学、新加坡国立大学、美国佐治亚理工和南卡罗莱纳大学有着良好的合作关系,聘任长江学者 清华大学韩敏芳教授为团队带头人,欢迎有志之士加盟!
2014.09-2019.06: 武汉大学,动力与机械学院,热能工程,工学博士
2017.09-2018.10: 美国南卡罗莱纳大学,机械工程系,CSC联培博士
2010.09-2014.06: 中国石油大学(华东),储运与建筑学院,工学学士
2019.07-2021.06: 清华大学,能源与动力工程系,博士后(助理研究员)
1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,基于分区域检测的工业尺寸SOFC燃料短缺诱导阳极退化路径研究,2023.01-2025.12,30万,主持;
2. 江苏省科技厅,多电堆模组设计优化及五十千瓦级热电联供系统研发子课题,2022.07-2025.06,50万,主持;
3. 江苏省组织部,江苏省“双创计划”双创博士人才项目,平板型固体氧化物燃料电池堆配气优化研究,2022.10-2024.10,15万,主持;
4. 中国矿业大学,青年教师“启航计划”资助项目,2022.01-2023.12,6万,主持;
5. 中央高校基本科研专项,平板型固体氧化物燃料短缺检测与供气配置优化研究,2022.01-2023.12,6万,主持;
6. 横向项目,平板型固体氧化物燃料电池堆多场耦合模拟程序开发,2021.03-2022.10,5万,主持;
7. 中国矿业大学科研启动基金,2021.07- ,15万,主持;
1. Jihao Zhang; Huding Guo, Libin Lei;Shuanglin Shen; Keqing Zheng; Minfang Han. Experimental investigation of fuel starvation on industrial-sized solid oxide fuel cells using segmented cathodes and area specific resistances, Journal of Power Sources. 562 (2023) 232725. SCI (IF=9.7)
2. Jihao Zhang; Huding Guo, Libin Lei;Shuanglin Shen; Keqing Zheng; Minfang Han. The influence of step potentials upon defect equilibria and defect concentrations inside solid oxide fuel cells, Materials Science & Engineering B 289 (2023) 116274. SCI
3. Yingyu Mo, Yue Huang, Wenchao Lian, Ruiming Qiu, Zhipeng Tian, Jianping Liu, Chao Wang, Ying Chen, Jihao Zhang; Libin Lei. Multifactor theoretical study on ionic transport numbers of mixed oxygen ionic-electronic conducting oxides determined by the electromotive force method, Journal of Power Sources. 553 (2023) 232291. SCI (IF=9.7)
4. Libin Lei, Yingyu Mo, Wenchao Lian, Yue Huang, Ruiming Qiu, Zhipeng Tian, Jianping Liu, Jungu Xu, Jihao Zhang*. Revealing the impact of the voltage-induced interfacial effect on conduction properties of CeO2-based electrolyte: A modeling investigation, Journal of Power Sources. 545 (2022) 231936. SCI (IF=9.7)
5. Yue Huang, Ruiming Qiu, Wenchao Lian, Libin Lei Tong Liu, Jihao Zhang, Yao Wang, Jianping Liu, Jin Huang, Fanglin Chen. Review: Measurement of partial electrical conductivities and transport numbers of mixed ionic-electronic conducting oxides. Journal of Power Sources 528 (2022) 231201. SCI (IF =9.7)
6. Libin Lei, Yongzhen Ou, Ruiming Qiu, Wenchao Lian, Yingyu Mo, Jihao Zhang, Zhicong Shi, Jianping Liu, Chao Wang, Ying Chen. Mathematical modeling of proton-conducting electrochemical cells for ethylene production from ethane. Journal of Power Sources 531 (2022) 231272. SCI (IF =9.7)
7. Wenchao Lian, Yingyu Mo, Libin Lei, Jihao Zhang, Yongzhen Ou, Ruiming Qiu, Zhipeng Tian, Jianping Liu, Jiang Liu. Thermodynamic analysis of the electrochemical synthesis of ammonia in solid-state proton-conducting electrochemical reactors considering interfacial potential steps. Sustainable Energy & Fuels 6 (2022) 711-720. SCI
8. Jihao Zhang; Libin Lei; Hangyue Li; Kaihua Sun; Zaihong Sun; Minfang Han. Experimental investigations of cell resistances to characterize the concentration polarization behavior of 10×10 cm2 solid oxide fuel cells, Journal of Power Sources. 516 (2021) 230678. SCI (IF=9.7)
9. Jihao Zhang; Libin Lei; Hangyue Li; Fanglin Chen; Minfang Han. A practical approach for identifying various polarization behaviors of redox-stable electrodes in symmetrical solid oxide fuel cells, Electrochimica Acta. 384 (2021) 138340. SCI (IF=6.9)
10. Ruiming Qiu, Wenchao Lian, Yongzhen Ou, Zetian Tao, Yuxin Cui, Zhipeng Tian, Chao Wang, Ying Chen, Jianping Liu, Libin Lei*, Jihao Zhang*. Multifactor theoretical analysis of current leakage in proton-conducting solid oxide fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources. 505 (2021) 230038. SCI (IF=9.7)
11. Jihao Zhang, Libin Lei, Fu-Yun Zhao, Fanglin Chen, Minfang Han. A novel equivalent circuit for GDC-based solid oxide cells considering the variations of cell resistances under load. Electrochimica Acta. 340 (2020) 135898. SCI (IF=6.9)
12. Libin Lei, Jihao Zhang, Rongfeng Guan, Jianping Liu, Fanglin Chen, Zetian Tao. Energy storage and hydrogen production by proton conducting solid oxide electrolysis cells with a novel heterogeneous design. Energy Conversion and Management 218 (2020) 113044. SCI (IF=9.7)
13. Libin Lei, Jihao Zhang, Zhihao Yuan, Jinping Liu, Meng Ni, Fanglin Chen. Progress Report on Proton Conducting Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells. Advanced Functional Materials (2019) 1903805. SCI (IF=18.8)
14. Jihao Zhang, Libin Lei, Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Meng Ni, Fanglin Chen. Mathematical modeling of a proton-conducting SOFC with current leakage. Journal of Power Sources. 400 (2018) 333-340. SCI (IF=9.1)
15. Libin Lei, Jayson M. Keels, Zetian Tao, Jihao Zhang, Fanglin Chen. Thermodynamic and experimental assessment of proton conducting solid oxide fuel cells with internal methane steam reforming. Applied Energy 224 (2018) 280-288. SCI (IF=9.7)
16. Jihao Zhang, Libin Lei, Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Fanglin Chen, Hanqing Wang. Numerical investigation of solid oxide electrolysis cells for hydrogen production applied with different continuity expressions. Energy Conversion and Management 149 (2017) 646-659. SCI (IF=11)
Educational Experience
2007.9 to 2010.6
山东省泰安市新泰一中 | 高中 | 无学位 | 高中毕业
2010.9 to 2014.6
中国石油大学(华东) | 建筑环境与能源工程 | Bachelor's Degree in Engineering | 本科毕业
2014.9 to 2019.6
武汉大学 | 热能工程 | Doctoral Degree in Engineering | With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Work Experience
2019.7 to Now
低碳能源与动力工程学院 | 讲师
2021.7 to Now
低碳能源与动力工程学院 | 储能系 | 讲师
2019.6 to 2021.7
清华大学 | 能源与动力工程系 | 助理研究员
Research Focus
Social Affiliations
2019.7 to Now
Research Group
[1] Name of Research Group:氢能与燃料电池研究所
Description of Research Group:
团队名誉所长聘任清华大学长聘教授、长江学者 韩敏芳教授,团队成员还包括郑克晴副教授、申双林讲师,研究所共同致力于固体氧化物燃料电池产学研发展。