Paper Publications
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- Yuantian Sun,liguichen,Zhang, Junfei,Xu, Jiahui.Failure Mechanisms of Rheological Coal Roadway,2020,卷: 12期: 7
- Yuantian Sun,liguichen,Zhang, Junfei.Developing Hybrid Machine Learning Models for Estimating the Unconfined Compressive Strength of Jet Grouting Composite: A Comparative Study,2020,卷: 10期: 5
- Yang, Houqiang,hanchangliang,张农,Yuantian Sun,Pan, Dongjiang,Sun, Changlun.Long High-Performance Sustainable Bolt Technology for the Deep Coal Roadway Roof: A Case Study,2020,卷: 12期: 4
- Yuantian Sun,liguichen,Zhang, Junfei,QIAN Deyu.Experimental and numerical investigation on a novel support system for controlling roadway deformation in underground coal mines,2020,v 8,n 2,p490-500
- liguichen,Yuantian Sun,Zhang, Junfei.Experiment and Application of Coalcrete on Roadway Stability: A Comparative Analysis,2020,v 2020,
- Yuantian Sun,liguichen,Zhang, Junfei,QIAN Deyu.Prediction of the Strength of Rubberized Concrete by an Evolved Random Forest Model,2019,卷: 2019
- Yuantian Sun,liguichen,Zhang, Junfei,QIAN Deyu.Stability Control for the Rheological Roadway by a Novel High-Efficiency Jet Grouting Technique in Deep Underground Coal Mines,2019,卷: 11期: 22
- Yuantian Sun,liguichen,Basarir, Hakan,Karrech, Ali,Azadi, Mohammad Reza.Laboratory evaluation of shear strength properties for cement-based grouted coal mass,2019,卷: 12期: 22
- liguichen,孙长伦,何锦涛,Yuantian Sun,董玉玺,赵华山.软弱泥岩遇水强度弱化特性宏细观模拟研究,2019,2019年05期:935-942,8
- liguichen,Sun, Changlun,He, Jintao,Yuantian Sun,Dong, Yuxi,Zhao, Huashan.Macro and meso scalesimulation study of the strength-weakening property of soft mudstone affected by water,2019,v 48,n 5,p935-942