钱妮佳Nijia Qian
Bridging the Terrestrial Water Storage Anomalies between the GRACE/GRACE-FO Gap Using BEAST + GMDH Algorithm[J].Remote Sensing,2024,16(19)
凤勇, 常国宾*, 钱妮佳, 等(2023). GRACE Level-2数据的RTS状态平滑[J].测绘学报,2023,52(11):1858-1872
钱妮佳,常国宾,高井祥,申文斌,闫政文.Adaptive DDK Filter for GRACE Time-Variable Gravity Field with a Novel Anisotropic Filtering Strength Metric,2022
Nijia Qian, Guobin Chang*, Jingxiang Gao, et al. (2022). Adaptive DDK filter for GRACE time-variable gravity field with a novel anisotropic filtering strength metric[J].remote sensing,2022,14(13)
Nijia Qian, Guobin Chang*, Pavel Ditmar, Jingxiang Gao, et al. (2022). Sparse DDK: A Data-Driven Decorrelation Filter for GRACE Level-2 Products[J].Remote Sensing,2022,14(12)
钱妮佳,常国宾,Pavel Ditmar,高井祥,魏征强.Sparse DDK: A Data-Driven Decorrelation Filter for GRACE Level-2 Products,2022
Guobin Chang*, Nijia Qian, Shaofeng Bian. (2023). Statistically optimal estimation of surface mass anomalies by directly using GRACE level-2 spherical harmonic coefficients as measurements[J].Geophysical Journal International,2022,233(3):1786-1799
Cheng Pan, Nijia Qian, Zengke Li, Jingxiang Gao*, et al. (2021). A Robust Adaptive Cubature Kalman Filter Based on SVD for Dual-Antenna GNSS/MIMU Tightly Coupled Integration[J].Remote Sensing,2021,13(10)
Nijia Qian, Guobin Chang*, Jingxiang Gao, Cheng Pan, et al. (2021). Vehicle's Instantaneous Velocity Reconstruction by Combining GNSS Doppler and Carrier Phase Measurements through Tikhonov Regularized Kernel Learning[J].IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,2021,70(5):4190-4202
Nijia Qian, Guobin Chang*. (2021). Optimal filtering for state space model with time-integral measurements[J].Measurement,2021,176