Language : English
Nijia Qian

Research Projects

Sparse modeling of global gravity field and its application


Affiliation of Participant(s):China University of Mining and Technology

Leading Scientist:钱妮佳

Supported by:江苏省教育厅

Type of Research Outcome:Thesis

Type of Project:实验发展

Supported by:Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education

Project level:Provincial and ministerial-level

Project Number:江苏省研究生科研与实践创新计划项目

Classification of Disciplines:Engineering

First-Level Discipline:Surveying and Mapping

Date of Project Approval:2021-01-01

Scheduled completion time:2021-12-31

Date of Project Completion:2021-12-31

Date of Project Initiation:2021-01-01

Project Approval Number:KYCX21_2292