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Paper Publications
kangjunqiang,Fu Xueai,Jason Shen,梁顺,陈浩,尚福华.Characterization of Coal Structure of High-Thickness Coal Reservoir Using Geophysical Logging: A Case Study in Southern Junggar Basin, Xinjiang, Northwest China,2022,卷: 31期: 2页: 929-951
kangjunqiang,Elsworth, Derek,Fu Xueai,梁顺,陈浩.Contribution of thermal expansion on gas adsorption to coal sorption-induced swelling,2022,v 432,
kangjunqiang,Elsworth, Derek,Fu Xueai,梁顺,Chen, Hao.Influence of water on elastic deformation of coal and its control on permeability in coalbed methane production,2022,v 208,
kangjunqiang,Fu Xueai,简阔,李鑫.Characteristics of the physical parameters and the evolution law of anthracite around the coalification jump: A case of the Jincheng and Guxu mining area, China,2019,v 37,n 4,p1205-1226
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