Affiliation of Author(s):中国矿业大学
Teaching and Research Group:采矿工程系
Place of Publication:湖北武汉
Funded by:自然基金项目
Key Words:outburst, blasting, hard rock stratum
Abstract:T he function s of b lasting in coal seam are analysed acco rding to the p rincip le of the spherical2shell2destab ilization theo ry. It is app roved that the blasting of dynamite does not increase the outburst danger of coal seam; bu t, w hen the coal seam is associated by some hard and so lid bo ttom o r roof, the roof fall of coal body in cru sh ing zone would be caused by blasting. This could explain the reason of the outburst phenomena, which take place when a tunnel passes one cross gate and a hard rock stratum is blasted.
First Author:jiangchenglin
Indexed by:Journal paper
First-Level Discipline:Mining Engineering
Page Number:502-507
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:1998-10-01
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Administrative Position:教授
Business Address:江苏省徐州市中国矿业大学文昌校区
Contact Information:18086736872
Academic Titles:突出预测与安全装备研究所
Alma Mater:中国矿业大学
ZipCode : 221008
Telephone : 18086736872
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Honors and Titles:
中国煤炭工业科学技术奖二等奖 2009-11-06
第一届全国安全生产科技成果奖理论一等奖 2003-02-01
中国高校科技进步二等奖 2000-10-18
中国煤炭工业科技进步一等奖 2001-02-01
中国煤炭工业科技进步二等奖 1999-05-01