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Paper Publications
Li, Jinshi,Zhang Yifan,Zhang, Di,Liu, Chun,kangjianhong,Pan, Shunlin,zhoufubao.Effect of temperature on the drag reduction characteristics of xanthan gum in the liquid ring vacuum pump,2024,v 229,
Zhang Yifan,yangyongliang,王国钦,李浦瑞,刘浩,王华振,高开阳.Changes in physical and chemical structure and Full-stage oxidation characteristics of coal caused by igneous intrusion,2024,v 288,
Li, Jinshi,周福宝,Zhang Yifan,张帝,刘春,kangjianhong,李宁,潘顺林.Effect of working fluid temperature on energy dissipation characteristics of liquid ring vacuum pump,2024,卷: 236子辑: A
Zhang Yifan,zhoufubao,李金石,kangjianhong,李典尚,高波.Drag reduction and energy saving method and application for gas drainage water ring vacuum pump,2023,v 48,n 9,p3604-3614
Zhang Yifan,周福宝,李金石,kangjianhong,刘春,李宁,潘顺林.Novel efficient energy saving approach for liquid ring vacuum pump in coal mine gas drainage,2023,v 171,p926-937
Li, Purui,杨永良,Wang, Minghao,Wang, Yonghui,Zhao, Xiaohao,张一帆.Study on the coal damage effects caused by the CO2-alkaline water two-phase displacing gas and wetting coal,2022,v 310,
Zhang Yifan,Li, Jinshi,kangjianhong,周福宝.Experimental study on the flow and heat transfer behavior of polymer solutions in the closed liquid ring vacuum pump system,2021,v 199,
Zhang Yifan,zhoufubao,kangjianhong.Flow and heat transfer in drag-reducing polymer solution flow through the corrugated tube and circular tube,2020,v 174,
Zhang Yifan,Hu, Shengyong,夏同强,liuyingke,Pan, Zhuo,zhoufubao.A novel failure control technology of cross-measure borehole for gas drainage: A case study,2020,v 135,p144-156