Paper Publications
- Multi-agent genetic algorithm with controllable mutation probability utilizing back propagation neural network for global optimization of trajectory design.Engineering Optimization
- A new mutation operator for differential evolution algorithm.Soft Computing
- A new mutation operator with the ability to adjust exploration and exploitation for DE algorithm.Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion
- EP_DE II: A significant algorithm to search the optimal solution for global optimization of multi-gravity assist trajectory.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering
- Global optimisation of multiple gravity assist spacecraft trajectories based on search space exploring and PCA.Evolutionary Computation
- A case learning-based differential evolution algorithm for global optimization of interplanetary trajectory design.Applied Soft Computing
- P-lsGOF: A parallel learning-selection-based global optimization framework.Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems
- An envelope curve-based theory for the satellite coverage problems.Aerospace Science and Technology
- Multiple Gravity Assist Spacecraft Trajectories Design Based on BFS and EP_DE Algorithm[.International Journal of Aerospace Engineering
- Benchmarking the region learning-based JADE on noiseless functions.Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion