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Paper Publications
Gu, Yuanyuan,zhoudawei,An, Yufei,汪锐,吴侃,刁鑫鹏.Ground point extraction using self-adaptive-grid and point to surface comparison,2022,v 204,
zhoudawei,王玲,An, Shikai,Wang, Xiaopeng,An, Yufei.Integration of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based photogrammetry and InSAR for mining subsidence and parameters inversion: a case study of the Wangjiata Mine, China,2022,卷: 81期: 8
zhoudawei.Formation and development mechanism of ground crack caused by coal mining: effects of overlying key strata,2017,76;4;
zhoudawei.Impact of thick alluvial soil on a fractured water-conducting zone: an example from Huainan coal mine, China,2016,116;5;
zhoudawei,wukan.A new methodology for studying the spreading process of mining subsidence in rock mass and alluvial soil: an example from the Huainan coal mine, China,2016,75;3;
zhoudawei.Mechanism of mining subsidence in coal mining area with thick alluvium soil in China,2015,8;4;1855-1867
zhoudawei,wukan.GPS and Terrestrial 3D laser scanner combined monitoring technology for coal mining subsidence — a case study of acoal mining area in Hebei, China,2014,70;2;
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