张驰,Xu, Songnian,Wu, Zhenfeng.Some notes on σ-soluble groups and σ-subnormality,2023,卷: 51期: 8页: 3266-3272
张驰,吴珍凤.Bryce 和Cossey的 —个重要结果的推广,2022,65卷3期:415-422
张驰,陈明珠,郭文彬,吴珍凤.On the σ-nilpotent norm and the σ-nilpotent hypernorm of a finite group,2022,45:1067–1078
Cao, Chenchen,Wong, Dein,张驰.A characterization of finite a-soluble Ps???????T-groups,2022,卷: 148页: 203-212
Wu, Zhenfeng,张驰,Guo, Wenbin.On finite groups factorized by sigma-nilpotent subgroups,2021
郭锦,郭文彬,乔守红,张驰.On m-σ-embedded subgroups of finite groups,2021
张驰,Guo, Wenbin,Liu, A-Ming.On a Generalisation of Finite T-Groups,2021