- 杨圣奇,唐劲舟,Elsworth, Derek.Creep Rupture and Permeability Evolution in High Temperature Heat-Treated Sandstone Containing Pre-Existing Twin Flaws,2021,卷: 14期: 19
- 杨圣奇,黄彦华,李阳,吴元周,尹世平.硕士研究生生源质量分析与提升对策研究——以中国矿业大学力学与土木工程学院为例,2021,2021年04期:77-83,7
- 杨圣奇,殷鹏飞,许帅博.Permeability Evolution Characteristics of Intact and Fractured Shale Specimens,2021
- 杨圣奇,田文岭,刘相如,黄彦华,杨景.An experimental study on failure mechanical behavior and cracking mechanism of rectangular solid sandstone containing two non-coplanar fissures under conventional triaxial compression,2021,v 114,
- 卜宜顺,杨圣奇,黄彦华.温度和损伤程度对砂岩渗透特性影响的试验研究,2021,2021年05期:122-130,9
- 杨圣奇,董志锦,黄彦华,滕尚永.An Experimental Study on Physical, Mechanical, and CO2 Permeability Behavior of Sandstone after High-Temperature Treatment,2021,卷: 49期: 3页: 1433-1453
- 李烨,杨圣奇,李尧.Experiment and numerical simulation on cracking behavior of marble containing double elliptic holes under uniaxial compression,2021,112: 102928
- 杨圣奇,黄彦华,田文岭.Influence of Water Saturation and Real-Time Testing Temperature on Mechanical Behavior of Sandstone Under Conventional Triaxial Compression,2021
- 杨圣奇,陈淼,陶焱.Experimental Study on Anchorage Mechanical Behavior and Surface Cracking Characteristics of a Non-persistent Jointed Rock Mass,2021,卷: 54期: 3页: 1193-1221
- 杨振,杨圣奇,田文岭.Peridynamic simulation of fracture mechanical behaviour of granite specimen under real-time temperature and post-temperature treatments,2021,138