• 中文

Young   教授*

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Experimental Study on Mechanical Behavior and Brittleness Characteristics of Longmaxi Formation Shale in Changning, Sichuan Basin, China

Release time:2021-09-28  Hits:

  • DOI number:10.1007/s00603-020-02057-8
  • Affiliation of Author(s):力学与土木工程学院
  • Funded by:地市厅局(含县)项目
  • First Author:Young
  • Co-author:殷鹏飞,Ranjith, P.G.
  • Indexed by:Journal paper
  • Document Code:5b5bb29475cf18b60175cfd046810482
  • Volume:v 53,n 5,p2461-2483
  • ISSN No.:07232632
  • Translation or Not:no
  • Date of Publication:2020-05-01