Paper Publications
- 孙丽娟,刘秦杉,郭涵,李明,xingyaowen,guixiahui,caoyijun.Bubble adhesion dynamics on solid surfaces: Interfacial behavior, force, and energy perspectives using a self-developed dynamic force testing system,2025,卷: 355子辑: A
- 王成勇,xingyaowen,张谌虎,陈鹏,Xia Yangchao,李吉辉,guixiahui.Water structure at coal/water interface: Insights from SFG vibrational spectroscopy and MD simulation,2024,v 688,
- 刘新宇,郭涵,丁世豪,尹青临,xingyaowen,guixiahui.Bubble-particle detachment behavior during bubble coalescence: Role of bubble size,2024,v 434,
- 张怡晴,丁世豪,司伟汗,尹青临,杨陈仪敏,史文庆,xingyaowen,guixiahui.Effect of Particle Size and Hydrophobicity on Bubble-Particle Collision Detachment at the Slurry-Foam Phase Interface,2024,卷: 9期: 4页: 4966-4973
- 丁世豪,于康,何琦,尹青临,冯鑫,雍玉梅,杨超,caoyijun,guixiahui,xingyaowen.Bubble-particle detachment in flotation: A comparative study of the tangential and vertical direction,2023,v 426,
- 代世琦,张锐,刘秦杉,刘金成,包西程,xingyaowen,guixiahui.生物柴油捕收剂强化粉煤灰浮选脱炭试验研究,2023,:,8
- 王成勇,岑兴万,xingyaowen,张晨虎,李继辉,guixiahui.Depression mechanisms of sodium humate and 3-mercaptopropionic acid on pyrite in fine coal flotation,2023,v 613,
- 李明,徐明,孙丽娟,朱春云,刘金成,刘秦杉,xingyaowen,guixiahui.Effects of surface microbubbles on the adhesion between air bubble/oil droplet and graphite surfaces,2023,v 660,
- 李明,xingyaowen,朱春云,刘秦杉,杨自立,张锐,张友飞,Xia Yangchao,guixiahui.Effect of roughness on wettability and floatability: Based on wetting film drainage between bubbles and solid surfaces,2022,v 32,n 6,p1389-1396
- 王军超,xingyaowen,guixiahui,李国胜,caoyijun.Experimental and molecular dynamics simulation study on wetting interaction between water droplets and kaolinite surface,2022,卷: 800
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