邢晔.Weak decays of doubly heavy baryons: four-body nonleptonic decay channels.EPJ plus
邢晔,李娜,Yang Ling-Bin,胡晓会.Production of single charm pentaquark based on molecular configuration,2024,卷: 73期: 13
邢晔,李娜<i class="icon-email"></i>,杨翎彬,胡晓会.基于分子态构型研究单粲味五夸克态的产生 附视频,2024,:,13
Han, Wei-Hao,邢晔,徐吉.Production of charmonium pentaquarks from b-baryon and B-meson decays: SU(3) analysis,2024,卷: 48期: 5
Shi, Yu-Ji,邢晔,Xing, Zhi-Peng.Heavy baryon decays into light meson and dark baryon within LCSR,2024,v 84,n 3,
Shi, Yu-Ji,邢晔,Xing, Zhi-Peng.Semi-inclusive decays of B meson into a dark anti-baryon and baryons,2023,卷: 83期: 8
邢晔,Liu, Wan-Liang,Xiao, Yi-Hua.The production of singly charmed pentaquark c over bar qqqq\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\bar{c}} q qqq$$\end{document} from bottom baryon,2022,卷: 82期: 12
Huang, Fei,邢晔,Xu, Ji.Searching for tetraquark through weak decays of b-baryons,2022,卷: 82期: 11
Shi, Yu-Ji,Zhao, Zhen-Xing,邢晔,Meissner, Ulf-G.W-exchange contribution to the decays Xi(++)(cc) -> Xi(+('))(c)pi(+) using light-cone sum rules,2022,卷: 106期: 3