邢晔,牛月坤.The study of doubly charmed pentaquark cc(q)over-barqq with the SU(3) symmetry,2021,卷: 81期: 11
Li, De-Min,Zhang, Xi-Ruo,邢晔,Xu, Ji.Weak decays of doubly heavy baryons: four-body nonleptonic decay channels,2021,卷: 136期: 7
邢晔,牛月坤.The study of doubly charmed pentaquark c c \bar qqqcc qˉ qq with the SU(3) symmetry.arXiv:2106.09939,2021
Shi, Yu-Ji,邢晔,Zhao, Zhen-Xing.SU(3) analysis of fully-light tetraquarks in heavy meson weak decays,2021,卷: 81期: 2
邢晔.SU(3) analysis of fully-light tetraquarks in heavy meson weak decays.Eur.Phys.J.C,2021,81(2):156
邢晔.Weak decays of triply heavy tetraquarks b(c)over-barb(q)over-bar,2020,卷: 80期: 1
邢晔.Weak Decays of Triply Heavy Tetraquarks \${b\bar c}{b\bar q}\$.European Physical Journal C, 2020, 80(1): 57,2020,1(57)
邢晔.Fully Heavy Tetraquark bb \bar c\bar c: Lifetimes and Weak Decays.Eur. Phys. J.C,2019,8(645)
邢晔.S-wave contributions in $\bar B_s^0\to (D^0,\bar D^0)\pi^+\pi^- $ within perturbative QCD approach.Chinese. Phys. C,2019,7(073103)
邢晔.Light-Cone Sum Rules Analysis of $\Xi_{QQ^{\prime}q} \to \Lambda_{Q^{\prime}}$ Weak Decays.Eur. Phys. J.C,2019,6(501)