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[6] 许娜,Di, Keyi,Liu, Feifei,Zhao, Wencheng,张博.Risk Assessment of Lift-Jacking Accidents Using FFTA-FMEA,2023,卷: 13期: 12
[7] 许娜,周雪晴,郭超然,萧白,魏飞,胡宇婷.Text mining applications in construction industry: current status, research gaps and prospects,2023,14
[8] 朱晨鸿,王建国,许娜,梁伟,胡波文,李培博.A Combination Approach of the Numerical Simulation and Data-Driven Analysis for the Impacts of Refracturing Layout and Time on Shale Gas Production,2022,卷: 14期: 23
[9] 许娜,Chang, Hong,Xiao, Bai,张博,Li, Jie,谷甜甜.Relation Extraction of Domain Knowledge Entities for Safety Risk Management in Metro Construction Projects,2022,卷: 12期: 10
[10] 许娜,张博,谷甜甜,Li, Jie,王莉.Expanding Domain Knowledge Elements for Metro Construction Safety Risk Management Using a Co-Occurrence-Based Pathfinding Approach,2022,卷: 12期: 10