Paper Publications
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- 曹兵,xiajunwu.基于统一理论的改进的组合式L形钢管混凝土短柱轴压承载力,2018,35;2;
- xiajunwu.Optimal gypsum-lime content of high water material,2018,215;MAR 15 2018;
- xiajunwu.高压线塔井字梁基础悬空时的受力特征研究,2017,47;537;
- xiajunwu,changhongfei.Axial hysteretic behavior of doubler-plate reinforced square hollow section,2017,55;9;162-181
- xiajunwu.角钢–双T型纵横梁拼接节点承载特性研究,2017,38;5;
- 窦国涛,xiajunwu.Non-limit passive soil pressure on rigid retaining walls,2017,32;2;
- 盛杰,xiajunwu.Experimental study on the fatigue behaviour of RC beams strengthened with TRC after sustained load corrosion,2017,28;1;
- 窦国涛,xiajunwu.采动区刚性墙体侧土压力试验研究,2017,28;1;
- xiajunwu.带充填墙的悬臂梁拼接钢框架抗震性能研究,2016,37;11;113-120
- 盛杰,xiajunwu.Effect of simulated pitting corrosion on the tensile properties of steel,2016,131;131;90-100