Paper Publications
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- xiajunwu.多种注浆材料耐久性能对比试验研究,2018,46;11;
- 盛杰,xiajunwu.Experimental study on the coupling effect of sulfate corrosion and loading on the mechanical behavior of steel and H-section beam,2018,189;NOV 20 2018;
- xiajunwu.Study on mechanical properties and microstructure of the new grouting material,2018,439;4;
- xiajunwu.Research on synergistic effect and bearing capacity of solar composite roof panel,2018,439;5;
- xiajunwu.不同变位模式黏土非极限被动土压力试验研究,2018,2018;5;
- xiajunwu.Study on the hydration and hardening mechanism of the high-water rapid-setting material,2018,439;4;
- 马仁伟,xiajunwu.装配式钢桁架筒仓施工支撑平台力学参数优化设计,2018,48;7;
- xiajunwu.方钢管柱-H形钢梁拼接外套筒式中节点静力性能研究,2018,39;7;
- xiajunwu.土木工程实验教学体系的构建,2018,2018;3;
- 陈亚东,xiajunwu.轴压或轴向往复荷载作用下方钢管焊接T型节点的承载性能研究,2018,48;3;