- [1] 徐玥,王辉,韩秋凤.中国农业净碳效应与农业经济发展的时空耦合规律研究,2023,2023年07期:1-12,12
- [2] 徐玥,王辉,韩秋凤.徐州市农业碳排放时空特征与脱钩效应,2023,:,9
- [3] 徐玥,王辉,韩秋凤.县级尺度下耕地碳收支区域差异与公平性——以江苏省为例,2023,2023年01期:62-73,12
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- [5] ahsan maqbool,王辉,muhammad saeed,aimen hafeez.Magnetic nanocomposite-system for the remediation of lead-contaminated urban surface,2021
- [6] abdul khaliq,ahsan maqboll,husnain tansar,allah bakhsh,muhammad saeed,muhammad tariq sarwar,王辉.Groundwater pumping modeling for the sustainable management of urban water supply in Faisalabad city, Pakistan,2021
- [7] muhammad adnan ashraf,ahsan maqbool,abdul khaliq,王辉,muhammad saeed.Efficient water allocation strategy to overcoming water inequity crisis for sustainability of agricultural land: a case of Southern Punjab, Pakistan,2021
- [8] 王辉,Ahsan Maqbool.Efficient water allocation strategy to overcoming water inequity crisis for sustainability of agricultural land: a case of Southern Punjab, Pakistan,2020
- [9] 王辉,Ahsan Maqbool.Removal of heavy metals from urban soil using functionalized carbon-coated composite,2020
- [10] 卢永强,陈浮,马静,王辉,张绍良.复垦矿区重金属对土壤微生物群落的影响,2020,2020年03期:21-29,9
- 硕士生导师
- 教师拼音名称:wanghui
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- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 办公地点:南湖校区环测学院楼A207
- 性别:男
- 联系方式:wanghuei@cumt.edu.cn
- 学位:博士
- 毕业院校:中国矿业大学
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