DOI number:10.1108/JKM-09-2020-0683
Journal:Journal of Knowledge Management
Key Words:Knowledge sharing; Leadership; Employee innovative behavior; Team reflexivity
Abstract:Abstract Purpose Although team reflexivity has been identified as a potent tool for improving organizational performance, how and when it influences individual employee innovative behavior remains theoretically and conceptually underspecified. Taking a knowledge management perspective, this study aims to investigate the role of team-level knowledge sharing and leadership in transforming team reflexivity into innovative behavior at the individual level. Design/methodology/approach The paper follows a multilevel study design to collect data (n = 441) from 91 teams in 48 knowledge-based organizations. The paper tests our multilevel model using multinomial logistic techniques. Findings The overall results confirm that knowledge sharing in teams mediates the influence of team reflexivity on individual employee innovative behavior, and that leadership plays an important role in moderating these influences. Specifically, authoritarian leadership is found to attenuate the team reflexivity and knowledge sharing effect, whereas benevolent leadership is found to amplify this indirect effect. Originality/value The multilevel study design that explains how team-level processes translate into innovative behavior at the individual employee level is novel. Relatedly, our use of a multilevel analytical framework is also original.
Indexed by:Journal paper
Issue:Avaiable online,第一且通讯作者
ISSN No.:1367-3270
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2021-01-04
Included Journals:SSCI
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Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
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