Paper Publications
- wuyuanze.Ground States of a K-Component Critical System with Linear and Nonlinear Couplings: The Attractive Case,2019
- wuyuanze.Spikes of sign-changing solutions to the critical Schrodinger equations with trapping potentials,2019,卷: 98期: 6页: 1027-1041
- wuyuanze,Zou, Wenming.Spikes of the two-component elliptic system in R4 with the critical Sobolev exponent,2019,卷: 58期: 1
- 黄毅生,wuyuanze.On a Kirchhoff Equation in Bounded Domains,2018,18;3;613–648
- wuyuanze.On the semiclassical solutions of a two-component elliptic system in R4 with trapping potentials and Sobolev critical exponent: the repulsive case,2018,69;1;1-17
- wuyuanze.Least energy sign-changing solutions of the singularly perturbed Brezis–Nirenberg problem,2018,171;1;85-101
- 黄毅生,wuyuanze.On Kirchhoff type equations with critical Sobolev exponent,2018,462;1;483-504
- wuyuanze.Sign-changing semi-classical solutions of the Brezís–Nirenberg problems with jump nonlinearities in high dimensions,2018,461;1;7-23
- wuyuanze.On a K-component elliptic system with the Sobolev critical exponent in high dimensions: the repulsive case,2017,56;5;
- wuyuanze.On a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate with steep potential wells,2017,196;5;1695-1737
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