Scientific Research
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Paper Publications
more+- [1]wangyuelun,Zhao, Wei-Hua,Yan, Xu,Wang, Qing-gang,liangjing,zhaoyunpeng,caojingpei,Zhu, Lin-jun.The application of Ni and Zr modified ZSM-5 nanosheet in upgrading of lignite pyrolysis volatiles coupling with methanol to light aromatics,2024,卷: 180
- [2]Hu, Shu-Ting,wangyuelun,Wang, Qing-Gang,Gao, Han-Bing,Gu, Wen-Jie,Zhao, Wei-Hua,zhaoyunpeng,caojingpei,Zhu, Lin-Jun.The effects of in situ-produced hydrogen on catalytic upgrading of lignite pyrolysis volatiles over ZSM-5 zeolites to produce light aromatics,2024,v 116,
- [3]wangyuelun,An, Hui-hui,Ma, Hao,Zhang, Xue-chun,kangguojun,caojingpei.Catalytic properties and deactivation behavior of modified H-ZSM-5 in the conversion of methanol-to-aromatics,2021,卷: 32期: 6页: 1869-1880
- [4]wangyuelun.Effect of hierarchical crystal structures on the properties of cobalt catalysts for Fischer–Tropsch synthesis,2016,174;无;17-24
- [5]wangyuelun.Effect of (Si + Al)/CTAB ratio on crystal size of mesoporous ZSM-5 structure over methanol-to-olefin reactions,2016,61;无;234-240
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Published Books
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Research Projects
more+- [1]2024-14342,甲醇/低阶煤热解气耦合催化制轻质芳烃及活性氢转移机制研究-Y,国家自然科学基金委,2024-07-01
- [2]2011-236-4530,介微多级孔结构的构建及其在选择性F-T合成中的应用,自然科学基金委,2011-08-16
- [3]2019-10338,甲醇/低阶煤热解气耦合催化制轻质芳烃及活性氢转移机制研究,国家自然科学基金委,2019-08-16
- [4]2019-10035,Zn@ ZSM-5核壳结构的构建及其用于甲醇制芳烃,校基本科研业务费,2019-04-12
- [5]2015-07374,复合分子筛的构建及其催化甲醇制烯烃研究,中国矿业大学,2015-10-06
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