的个人主页 http://faculty.cumt.edu.cn/WRC1/en/index.htm
博士、副教授、硕士生导师、CCF高级会员,研究方向为智能软件工程,主要利用当前流行的大模型相关技术解决软件测试与维护中的问题,具体包括软件测试、故障定位、软件漏洞检测、代码注释自动生成、缺陷预测及软件缺陷自动指派等。先后主持或参与了国家自然科学基金面上项目2项、江苏省自然科学基金面上项目1项、中国博士后科学基金面上项目1项、徐州市科技计划项目1项、中国矿业大学学科前沿项目1项、重点实验室开放课题2项、企业横向课题2项;在国内、外软件工程领域的学术期刊或会议上,包括TSE、COSE、ASE Journal、JSS、IET Software、 IJSEKE 、FCS、软件学报等期刊,以及ASE 、SEKE等国际会议,发表SCI、EI检索的论文20余篇;以第一发明人授权发明专利3项;所指导的本科生和硕士生先后获得中国矿业大学优秀本科和硕士学位论文。主要学术兼职:CCF 软件工程专委会委员、江苏省计算机软件专委会委员、江苏省高新技术企业评审专家;担任JSS、SP&E、IET Software、IJSEKE、、The Visual Computer、软件学报、计算机学报、计算机科学等期刊的审稿人。
1. An empirical assessment of different word embedding and deep learning models for bug assignment,The Journal of Systems & Software,2024,210:111961.(SCI,JCR一区, CCF B类期刊,第一作者)
2. An extensive study of the effects of different deep learning models on code vulnerability detection in Python code,Automated Software Engineering,2024,31(1).(SCI, CCF B类期刊,第一作者)
3. SCL-CVD: Supervised contrastive learning for code vulnerability detection via GraphCodeBERT,Computers & Security,2024,145 (SCI,JCR一区, CCF B类期刊,第一作者)
4. Combining Error Guessing and Logical Reasoning for Software Fault Localization via Deep Learning,International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering,2024, 34(9):1485-1511.(SCI, CCF C类期刊,第一作者)
5. 基于路径分析和信息熵的错误定位方法, 软件学报, 2021,32(7):2166-2182. (EI, CCF A类期刊,通讯作者)
6. Regression test case prioritization based on fixed size candidate set ART algorithm, International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2020, 30(3):291-320. (SCI,CCF C类期刊,第一作者)
7. Improving the accuracy of spectrum-based fault localization using multiple rules, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, 2020, E103-D(6):1-11. (SCI,CCF C类期刊,第一作者)
8. Experience Report: Investigating bug fixes in machine learning frameworks/libraries, Frontiers of Computer Science,2021,15(6. (SCI,CCF B类期刊,通讯作者)
9. Empirical study of the effects of different profiles on regression test case reduction,IET Software, 2015, 9(2):29-38. (SCI,CCF B类期刊,第一作者)
10. Empirical study of the effects of different similarity measures on test case prioritization, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016. (SCI,第一作者)
11. Similarity-based regression test case prioritization, Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2015, 358-363. (SCI,CCF C类会议,第一作者)
12. Clustering Analysis of Function Call Sequence for Regression Test Case Reduction. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2014, 24(8): 1197-1224. (SCI,CCF C类期刊,第一作者)
13. Empirical evaluation of the impact of class overlap on software defect prediction. Proceedings of the 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering,2019,698-709. (EI,CCF A类会议,第三作者)
[2].担任期刊Journal of Systems and Software、The Visual Computer、IET Software、Software: Practice and Experience、International Journa of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering、IEEE Access、软件学报、计算机学报、计算机科学等期刊的审稿人