Paper Publications
- Quan De Wang.Theoretical studies on the hydrogen abstraction reactions of methyl esters with HO2 radical and the following β-scission reactions,2017,v 30,n 8,
- Quan De Wang.Theoretical studies on the hydrogen abstraction reactions of methyl esters with HO2 radical and the following beta-scission reactions,2017,30;8;e3668
- Quan De Wang,nizhonghai.Theoretical and kinetic study of the hydrogen atom abstraction reactions of unsaturated C6 methyl esters with hydroxyl radical,2016,卷: 650页: 119-125
- Quan De Wang.基于直接关系图方法的丁酸甲酯燃烧反应机理的框架简化,2016,32;3;595-604
- Quan De Wang.Skeletal Mechanism Generation for Methyl Butanoate Combustion via Directed Relation Graph Based Methods,2016,卷: 32期: 3页: 595-604
- Quan De Wang.Influence of the Double Bond on the Hydrogen Abstraction Reactions of Methyl Esters with Hydrogen Radical: an Ab Initio and Chemical Kinetic Study,2015,5;84;68314–68325
- Quan De Wang.Theoretical and kinetic study of the hydrogen atom abstraction reactions of ethyl esters with hydrogen radicals,2014,616–617;1;109–114
- Quan De Wang.合成气燃烧反应机理的验证和分析,2014,2;3;173-179
- Quan De Wang.An updated detailed reaction mechanism for syngas combustion,2014,4;9;4564-4585
- Quan De Wang.An application of the reaction class transition state theory to the kinetics of hydrogen abstraction reactions of hydrogen with methyl esters at the methoxy group,2014,1027;1;103-111
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