Paper Publications
- Sun, Yanjin,Somers, Kieran P.,Quan De Wang,Farrell, Caoimhe,Curran, Henry J..Hindered rotor benchmarks for the transition states of free radical additions to unsaturated hydrocarbons,2020,卷: 22期: 46页: 27241-27254
- Wu, Yingtao,Tang, Chenglong,Yang, Meng,Quan De Wang,Huang, Zuohua,Zhao, Peng,Curran, Henry J..Evaluation of non-ideal piston stopping effects on the "adiabatic core" and ignition delay time simulation in rapid compression machines,2020,v 218,p229-233
- Wan, Zhongyu,Quan De Wang.Accurate prediction of enthalpy of formation combined with AM1 method and molecular descriptors,2020,v 747,
- Liang, Jinhu,Jia, Wenlin,Sun, Yanjin,Quan De Wang.Skeletal chemical kinetic mechanism generation for methanol combustion and systematic analysis on the ignition characteristics,2020,v 15,n 3,
- Quan De Wang,Sun, Yanjin,Curran, Henry J..Comparative Chemical Kinetic Analysis and Skeletal Mechanism Generation for Syngas Combustion with NOx Chemistry,2020,v 34,n 1,p949-964
- Quan De Wang,Sun, Yanjin,Sun, Mao-Mao,Liang, Jin-Hu.Chemical Kinetics of Hydrogen Atom Abstraction from Propargyl Sites by Hydrogen and Hydroxy Radicals,2019,卷: 20期: 13
- Quan De Wang,Sun, Mao-Mao,Liang, Jin-Hu.High-level theoretical study of the hydrogen abstraction reaction H2S + O-2 = SH + HO2 and prediction of the rate constants,2019,卷: 1155页: 61-66
- Quan De Wang,Sun, Mao-Mao,Liang, Jin-Hu.Reaction Mechanisms and Kinetics of the Hydrogen Abstraction Reactions of C-4-C-6 Alkenes with Hydroxyl Radical: A Theoretical Exploration,2019,卷: 20期: 6
- Quan De Wang,Ziwu Liu.Reaction Kinetics of Hydrogen Atom Abstraction from C4-C6 Alkenes by the Hydrogen Atom and Methyl Radical,2018,卷: 122期: 23页: 5202-5210
- Quan De Wang.Theoretical studies of unimolecular thermal decomposition reactions of n-hexane and n-hexene isomers,2017,1115;1;45-55
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