- 王博,王大刚,种海浪,沈小满,张德坤.悬索桥主缆钢丝与鞍座材料摩擦腐蚀疲劳行为,2023
- 孙远,王大刚,徐伟,张德坤.主缆索股与鞍座间动态接触与微滑移机理研究,2023
- 李陈晨,王大刚,孙跃威,徐伟,张杰,邬柯,陈建豪,邓海燕,张德坤,葛世荣.Bending fatigue damage behavior of wire rope in hoisting system of drilling rig,2023,v187
- 王博,王大刚,种海浪,解国正,张德坤,葛世荣.Tribo-corrosion interaction of the parallel steel wires in the suspension bridges,2023,11(12)
- 王大刚,王博,解国正,李陈晨,张德坤,葛世荣.Effect of temperature on tribo-corrosion behaviors of parallel steel wires of main cable in the suspension bridge,2023
- 种海浪,王大刚,王博,沈小满,Wahab Magd Abdel.Gradual Deterioration Behavior of the Load-Bearing Strength of Main Cable Wires in a Suspension Bridge,2023,v13(1)
- 徐伟,王大刚,张俊,冯存傲,张德坤.钢丝微动疲劳裂纹萌生寿命预测研究,2022
- 种海浪,王大刚,张俊,王博,冯存傲,张德坤.微动疲劳参数对钢丝微动疲劳磨损演化的影响,2022
- 王大刚,朱辉龙,徐伟,叶继红,张德坤,Wahab Magd Abdel.Contact and slip behaviors of main cable of the long-span suspension bridge,2022
- 王大刚,宋道柱,Magd Abdel Wahab.Effects of Contact Load and Torsion Angle on Crack Propagation Behaviors of Inclined Crossed Steel Wires during Tension–Torsion Fretting Fatigue in Acid Solution,2021