Paper Publications
- Wang Di,张芷媛,汪小龙.高技术产业集聚何以促进区域绿色技术创新——基于知识溢出与市场竞争双重视角的考察,2024,:,10
- Wang Di,刘焕焕.数字经济赋能区域低碳发展:影响效应与作用机制,2024,:,19
- Wang Di,Guoqing Shi,Liu, Sun,Xu, Chenxi.Effects of the environment in coal mine roadways on the attenuation and reception of low-frequency ultrasonic signals,2024,v 218,
- 赵艳敏,Wang Di.数字经济发展对全要素能源效率的影响机制研究——以黄河流域73个地级市为例,2023,:,14
- Wang Di,卓越,赵月英. Cost-sharing and horizontal compensation scheme of regional sulfur dioxide treatment: Evidence from China,2023
- Zhao, Yanmin,Wang Di.Spatial connection network characteristics and development trend forecast of natural gas industry's sustainable development resilience in China,2023,卷: 106期: 1
- 沈叶,刘中侠,邓翠翠,Wang Di.工业部门低碳化驱动因素与脱钩路径分析——以安徽省为例,2022,2022年12期:2597-2607,11
- Wang Di,张芷媛,shiruyi.Fiscal Decentralization, Green Technology Innovation, and Regional Air Pollution in China: An Investigation from the Perspective of Intergovernmental Competition,2022,卷: 19期: 14
- Wang Di,李雨蔓.Measuring the Policy Effectiveness of China's New-Energy Vehicle Industry and Its Differential Impact on Supply and Demand Markets,2022,卷: 14期: 13
- 杨晓娣,Wang Di.Heterogeneous Environmental Regulation, Foreign Direct Investment, and Regional Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Evidence from China,2022,卷: 14期: 11
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