Paper Publications
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- Regulatory approaches towards AI Medical Devices: A comparative study of the United States, the European Union and China[J].Health Policy,2025,153(March 2025)
- Delut,Lu, Xueqing.Blind Shaft Crimes: A Transient Phenomenon in Contemporary China,2023,卷: 21期: 4页: 143-169
- Delut.Charitable Donation Blockchain: Innovation, Dilemmas, Challenges, and Institutional Responses[J].Digital Law,2023,2023年05期:78-94,17
- Delut.Regulatory-Friendly Blockchain: Rule Shaping, Innovation, Dilemmas, Challenges, and Institutional Responses.Journal of Guangxi Administrative Cadre Institute of Politics and Law,2023,2023年02期:16-26,11
- Computing Power Stolen: A New Enchantment of Property.Tribune of Political and Legal Sciences,2022,2022(03)
- Moral Hazards and Its Legal Prevention in the Fields of Work Safety Regulation.Safety,2020,41(12)
- Learning from California’s Experience in Tower Crane Safety Licensing and Regulation.Labour Protection,2019,2019(06)
- Enforcement Challenges, Breakthroughs, and Lessons from the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Act.Jiangxi Social Sciences,2016
- Market Promotion Mechanisms for Work Safety and Their Legal Safeguards.Academia Bimestris,2015
- Delut.From Confronting to Cooperating: the Pattern Reforming of US. Mining Safety and Health Act Enforcement and Its Inspiration.Hebei Law Science,2014,32;3;127-140