Paper Publications
- 徐宏杰,sangshuxun.In-situ stress measurements by hydraulic fracturing and its implication on coalbed methane development in Western Guizhou, SW China,2016,15;0;1-10
- 杨延辉,刘世奇,桑树勋.基于三维空间表征的高阶煤连通孔隙发育特征,2016,44;10;70-77
- 王恬,sangshuxun.Occurrence and genesis of minerals and their influences on pores and fractures in the high-rank coals,2016,34;6;899–914
- 刘会虎,sangshuxun.Characteristics of an in situ stress field and its control on coal fracturesand coal permeability in the Gucheng block, southern Qinshui Basin,China,2016,36;0;1130-1139
- 贾彤,sangshuxun.松河井田储层高压形成机制及对煤层气开发的影响,2016,44;2;50-54
- 徐宏杰,sangshuxun.贵州省煤层气勘探开发现状与展望,2016,44;2;1-7
- 赵霞,sangshuxun.黔西松河丼田煤层群含气性及其开发意义,2016,13;5;8-11
- 赵贤正,刘世奇,桑树勋.Characteristics and generation mechanisms of coal fines in coalbed methane wells in the southern Qinshui Basin, China,2016,34;0;849-863
- 徐宏杰,sangshuxun.Selection of suitable engineering modes for CBM development inzones with multiple coalbeds: A case study in western GuizhouProvince, Southwest China,2016,36;0;1264-1275
- 孙家广,sangshuxun.基于光学显微观测的煤层裂隙发育特征、成因及其意义——以沁水盆地南部3#煤层为例,2016,6;0;738-744